General information Longidase for injection is produced in the form of a yellow powder prepared by lyophilization. IN
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics It should be noted that the decoding of the ADS-M vaccination means: diphtheria-tetanus toxoid in small
What is distillate or water for injection? The substance is a solvent purified from impurities
Relevance Benefit of using dexamethasone or betamethasone in pregnant women at risk of preterm birth
Features of the composition and pharmacological action of Dexalgin The components of one tablet are presented: dexketoprofen trometamol; starch
Pharmacological form and main properties Dexamethasone is an injection solution that is widely used in
Composition Active components of the injection solution Combilipen: Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine hydrochloride) Vitamin B1 (Thiamin hydrochloride)