baby with a thermometer in his mouth
At what temperature can an antipyretic be given to a baby after vaccination?
What antipyretics can be given after DTP, Pentaxim and other vaccinations? From infancy a person receives
Consultation for parents “The importance of immunoprophylaxis”
“Parents about vaccinations.” material on the topic “For parents about vaccinations.” Dear parents! You need to know
Medical office at school. What kind of help can you get there?
Thermometer, pills, patch If a child suddenly feels unwell at school, a nurse or doctor
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Getting a flu shot: names of vaccines and vaccination dates in 2018-2019
Every year the population of our state suffers from the flu. Is there any way to protect yourself?
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After the DPT vaccination, the child began to have difficulty sleeping at night
How we almost lost our daughter. DTP+polio We took the last DTP+poliomyelitis on Tuesday. More
Vaccination under the shoulder blade at 14 years old - side effects
For a long time, people have tried to fight infections that have claimed hundreds of lives. By trial and
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Sleep disturbances after DTP vaccination: is it normal for a child to sleep for a long time or, conversely, to suffer from insomnia?
DPT vaccination is one of the most difficult vaccines to tolerate due to the likelihood of side effects.
Child vaccination
What vaccinations are prescribed to a child at two months?
Every parent wants to see their baby healthy and with strong immunity. Vaccination - preventive
Professor Mikhail Kostinov: Vaccination should be year-round
To tie? K: Wikipedia: Isolated articles (type: not specified) Mikhail Petrovich Kostinov Date of birth: December 20, 1956 (1956-12-20)
Is it necessary for a child to have a Diaskintest at school?
Consent to Mantoux is written by a parent or guardian if the test is carried out