Is it possible to take (drink) antiviral drugs after a flu shot?
ARVI, which includes influenza, are the most common infections. Every year in Russia it is registered
The main thing about vaccination of organization employees: list of works and refusal
In light of recent events with coronavirus, Rospotrebnadzor has become much more likely to immediately suspend the activities of companies
Grafting fruit trees: rules and subtleties of garden “surgery”
If you made a mistake with a variety or seedling, everything can be corrected. For this and
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Rules for storing vaccines, such as Infanrix, DPT, Pentaxim and others
Vaccination is a powerful tool in creating a healthy society, a decisive factor in protecting against infectious diseases.
Vaccination against influenza (Agrippal, Vaxigripp, Grippol, etc.)
"Vaxigrip" - flu vaccination Inactivated (split) vaccine for the prevention of influenza Manufacturer: Sanofi-Pasteur, France.
Vaccination against coronavirus in Russia in 2021: voluntary or compulsory
Vaccination against coronavirus is one of the ways to effectively combat it and prevent the spread of the disease
Medicine test
Is it possible to do Diaskintest for colds and runny nose, will it do any harm?
Is it possible to do Diaskintest if you have a runny nose? A runny nose is a common disease that most often plagues
Vaccination of employees against coronavirus: requirements for employers and new report
Various departments repeatedly commented on the issue of vaccination of employees back in the spring. Many were interested -
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Water procedures after DTP - when can you bathe a child after vaccination?
DPT is a vaccination that protects a child from infection with tetanus, whooping cough and diphtheria bacilli.
Which coronavirus vaccine is the safest: comparison of the main types of vaccines
Indications for Vaxigrip vaccination Vaccination is recommended for all persons and, above all, those who are exposed to