Professor Mikhail Kostinov: Vaccination should be year-round

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Mikhail Petrovich Kostinov
Date of Birth: December 20, 1956(1956-12-20) (age 64)
Place of Birth: Sholdaneshtsky district of the Moldavian SSR
A country: USSR USSR→Russia Russia
Scientific field: vaccine prevention of bacterial and viral diseases among the population, children and adults with a history of allergies, allergology, immunology
Academic degree: Doctor of Medical Sciences
Academic title: Professor
Awards and prizes:

Mikhail Petrovich Kostinov

(born 1956) - professor, doctor of medical sciences, Russian allergist-immunologist, vaccinologist, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation[1], head of the laboratory of vaccine prevention and immunotherapy of allergic diseases at the I. I. Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines and Serums of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences[2] .

Author of more than 600 scientific works, including 5 monographs, 9 books, 10 manuals, 14 guidelines and manuals for doctors, 10 patents for inventions, 6 popular science brochures. Member of the editorial board of the journal “Epidemiology and Vaccine Prevention”[3], the newsletter “Vaccination”.


He graduated from the Chisinau State Medical and Pharmaceutical University named after Nicolae Testemitanu with honors.

Since 2001 - professor of the course “Vaccine prevention” at the MPF PPO MMA named after. I.M. Sechenov, and since 2010 - professor of the Department of MPF of the First Moscow State Medical University named after. I. M. Sechenov[4]. Under the leadership of M.P. Kostinov, 24 dissertations were completed for the scientific degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences and 4 dissertations for the scientific degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences.

Since 2006, he has been the principal investigator in 8 clinical studies of the Institute for Approbation of New Vaccine Preparations.

Currently, he is leading multicenter studies on the problem of immunoprophylaxis in children and adults with somatic pathology with the participation of scientific centers in various Russian cities - Ulyanovsk, Cheboksary, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, Krasnoyarsk, Rostov-on-Don, Chita, Yaroslavl.

Kostinov M.P. is a leading specialist in the field of vaccine prevention. He created a school of specialists in the implementation of new technologies for vaccine prevention of children with various diseases, which is based on the principle of an individual approach to the patient. Participates in and organizes scientific and practical conferences on the problem of vaccination in various regions of Russia, and also conducts public scientifically based educational work through the media.

He plays an active role in expert councils on vaccination of children with poor health conditions, on the prevention of cervical cancer and chickenpox in the Russian Federation and dissertation councils in the specialty “allergology and immunology.”

Nobody died

– What can you say about the vaccine that is currently being used in Russian regions?

– This is a new generation vaccine. It's called an adjuvanted vaccine. This is a new WHO recommendation. Any vaccine must be improved so that immunity is broader, not only antibodies are formed, but also cellular mechanisms. A special substance is added to this vaccine: these are immunotropic agents that reduce the number of vaccine antigens. Special substances are added that change the reaction code and activate cellular mechanisms. Previously developed vaccines also protect the body, but, unlike modern vaccines, they are inferior in terms of the cellular mechanism. This is also important in the fight against coronavirus infection. These cellular mechanisms form memory cells that can persist for a long time. If the body receives a flu vaccine, immunity will form: antibodies may disappear, but memory cells may remain. The patient may have reactions when the vaccine is administered. These vaccines inhibit the development of adverse outcomes and reactions.

– We have known the words “virus strain” since school. The virus has several varieties. One of the arguments against vaccinations is that the vaccine provides immunity from a certain set of viruses, and another number is useless. The vaccine that is currently being used in Russia, how many types of viruses does it cover? And is it possible that it will not work at some point against a certain type of virus?

“Only those who don’t understand anything say that.” In Russia there are two institutes that specifically deal with influenza. There are 25 laboratories on the planet that identify the influenza virus, and so on. That is, this is a whole army of people who devote their entire lives to the flu. I don't think they are that stupid and don't know what they are recommending. The fact is that every year in February experts from all over the planet gather and do detailed analyzes of all cases of the disease, and then mathematically calculate that next year such viruses are likely, there may be such strains.

If other strains arise, even if you get the quadrivalent vaccine, they change the flu code. Even if the vaccine does not match, there is still a crossover between these strains and it forms immunity. That's the most important thing.

When there was a pandemic in 2009-2010, it turned out that of those who received the seasonal flu vaccine, no one died. Those who were not vaccinated when the mutated strain arrived experienced both severe disease and death.

Scientific activity

1994-2000 - a study to determine the strategy and tactics of vaccination against diphtheria and tetanus in children suffering from various diseases of the kidneys, liver, chronic inflammatory lung diseases, primary immunodeficiencies, which showed the safety and effectiveness of individual vaccination for this category of patients.

In 2001-2008, a study was conducted to evaluate the clinical and immunological effectiveness of vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae type b [5] and pneumococcal infection in children with bronchopulmonary pathology, autoimmune pathology, endocrine and ENT pathology, HIV-exposed and HIV-infected, where Not only the preventive, but also the therapeutic effect of the use of bacterial vaccines in a complex of therapeutic and preventive measures for these pathologies has been proven. The role of allergen-specific immunotherapy and immunomodulators in enhancing the immune response during vaccination of immunocompromised children has been studied.

From 2009 to the present - research on the problem of influenza and ARI in pregnant women, assessment of the state of innate and acquired immunity in their newborns. Study of the safety and immunogenicity of vaccines against respiratory infections in women of childbearing age and pregnant women. Determination of vaccination tactics against tick-borne encephalitis in children with various health conditions and a history of unusual reactions to a previous vaccine administration. Establishing the pharmaco-economic and clinical effects of vaccination against bacterial and viral infections in children and adults with bronchopulmonary and autoimmune pathologies.

Personal experience

"AiF. Health”: – But let’s return to the so-called seasonal vaccinations, in particular against the flu. Who is at risk here?

M.K.: – These are children attending preschool institutions and primary school students, medical workers, employees of educational institutions, as well as adults over 60 years old, all with chronic diseases. And most importantly – pregnant women!

"AiF. Health”: – Is it possible for them to be vaccinated?

M.K.: – Not only is it possible, it is necessary! There are recommendations from WHO and the Ministry of Health. But here, unfortunately, this is not done - women, apparently out of ignorance, do not strive, and doctors do not insist.

"AiF. Health”: – What are you and your family vaccinated against?

M.K.: – My wife and children from the flu – every year. And I only do it when some new strain appears. For the rest I have a long-term immunity...


  1. 12
    [ Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 18, 2004. No. 1324]. President of Russia. Retrieved November 2, 2015.
  2. [ Scientific divisions of the institute]. Retrieved November 2, 2015.
  3. [ Editorial Board]. Retrieved November 2, 2015.
  4. [ Kostinov Mikhail Petrovich - First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov]. Retrieved November 2, 2015.

Mikhail Kostinov: “Self-medication is gaining momentum in modern society”

Mikhail Petrovich Kostinov
Date of BirthDecember 20, 1956(1956-12-20) (age 61)
Place of BirthSholdaneshtsky district of the Moldavian SSR
A countryUSSR USSR→Russia Russia
Scientific fieldvaccine prevention of bacterial and viral diseases among the population, children and adults with a history of allergies, allergology, immunology
Academic degreeDoctor of Medical Sciences
Academic titleProfessor
Awards and prizes

Mikhail Petrovich Kostinov

(born 1956) - professor, doctor of medical sciences, Russian allergist-immunologist, vaccinologist, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation[1], head of the laboratory of vaccine prevention and immunotherapy of allergic diseases at the I. I. Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines and Serums of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences[2] .

Author of more than 600 scientific works, including 5 monographs, 9 books, 10 manuals, 14 guidelines and manuals for doctors, 10 patents for inventions, 6 popular science brochures. Member of the editorial board of the journal “Epidemiology and Vaccine Prevention”[3], the newsletter “Vaccination”.

Excerpt characterizing Kostinov, Mikhail Petrovich

In terms of trade, there was no response to the proclamation to the hardworking artisans and all peasants. There were no hardworking artisans, and the peasants caught those commissars who went too far with this proclamation and killed them. With regard to entertaining the people and troops with theatres, things were similarly unsuccessful. The theaters established in the Kremlin and in Poznyakov’s house immediately closed because actresses and actors were robbed. Charity did not bring the desired results either. False banknotes and fake ones filled Moscow and had no price. For the French, who collected booty, all they needed was gold. Not only were the false banknotes that Napoleon so graciously distributed to the unfortunate had no price, but silver was given below its value for gold. But the most striking phenomenon of the invalidity of the highest orders at that time was Napoleon's efforts to stop the robberies and restore discipline. This is what the army officials reported. “Robberies continue in the city, despite orders to stop them. Order has not yet been restored, and there is not a single merchant conducting trade in a legal manner. Only sutlers allow themselves to sell, and only looted things.” “La partie de mon arrondissement continue a etre en proie au pillage des soldats du 3 corps, qui, non contents d'arracher aux malheureux refugies dans des souterrains le peu qui leur reste, ont meme la ferocite de les blesser a coups de sabre, comme j'en ai vu plusieurs exemples." “Rien de nouveau outre que les soldats se permettent de voler et de piller. Le 9 October.” “Le vol et le pillage continuent.” Il ya une bande de voleurs dans notre district qu'il faudra faire arreter par de fortes gardes. Le 11 October.” [“Part of my district continues to be plundered by the soldiers of the 3rd Corps, who are not content with taking away the meager property of the unfortunate inhabitants who hid in the basements, but also cruelly inflict wounds on them with sabers, as I myself have seen many times.” “Nothing new, just that soldiers allow themselves to rob and steal. October 9." “Theft and robbery continue. There is a gang of thieves in our area that will need to be stopped with strong measures. October 11.”] “The Emperor is extremely dissatisfied that, despite strict orders to stop the robbery, only detachments of Guards marauders are visible returning to the Kremlin. In the old guard, riots and looting resumed more than ever yesterday, last night and today. The emperor sees with condolences that the selected soldiers appointed to guard his person, who should set an example of subordination, are disobedient to such an extent that they destroy the cellars and stores prepared for the army. Others humiliated themselves to the point of not listening to the sentries and guard officers, cursing them and beating them.” “Le grand marechal du palais se plaint vivement,” wrote the governor, “que malgre les defenses reiterees, les soldats continuent a faire leurs besoins dans toutes les cours et meme jusque sous les fenetres de l’Empereur.” [“The chief master of ceremonies of the palace complains strongly that, despite all the prohibitions, the soldiers continue to walk for an hour in all the courtyards and even under the windows of the emperor.”] The army is like a loose herd, trampling underfoot the food that could save him from starvation, disintegrated and perished with every day of extra stay in Moscow. But it didn't move. It ran only when it was suddenly seized by panic caused by the interceptions of convoys along the Smolensk road and the Tarutino battle. This same news about the Battle of Tarutino, which Napoleon unexpectedly received at the review, aroused in him a desire to punish the Russians, as Thiers says, and he gave the order to march, which the entire army demanded. Fleeing from Moscow, the people of this army took with them everything that was looted. Napoleon also took with him his own tresor [treasure]. Seeing the convoy cluttering the army. Napoleon was horrified (as Thiers says). But he, with his war experience, did not order to burn all the extra carts, as he did with the marshal’s carts, approaching Moscow, but he looked at these carriages and carriages in which the soldiers were riding, and said that it was very good that These crews will be used for provisions, sick and wounded. The position of the entire army was like that of a wounded animal, feeling its death and not knowing what it was doing. Studying the skillful maneuvers of Napoleon and his army and his goals from the time of his entry into Moscow until the destruction of this army is like studying the meaning of the dying leaps and convulsions of a mortally wounded animal. Very often, a wounded animal, hearing a rustle, rushes to shoot at the hunter, runs forward, backward and itself speeds up its end. Napoleon did the same under pressure from his entire army. The rustle of the Tarutino battle scared the beast, and he rushed forward to the shot, ran to the hunter, came back, forward again, back again, and finally, like any animal, he ran back, along the most unfavorable, dangerous path, but along a familiar, old trail. Napoleon, who seems to us to be the leader of this entire movement (how wild the figure carved on the bow of the ship seemed to be, with the power guiding the ship), Napoleon during all this time of his activity was like a child who, holding on to the ribbons tied inside the carriage, imagines that he ed. On October 6, early in the morning, Pierre left the booth and, returning back, stopped at the door, playing with a long purple dog on short crooked legs that was spinning around him. This little dog lived in their booth, spending the night with Karataev, but sometimes she went somewhere in the city and returned again. It had probably never belonged to anyone, and now it was owned and had no name. The French called her Azor, the soldier storyteller called her Femgalka, Karataev and others called her Gray, sometimes Visly. The fact that she didn’t belong to anyone and that she didn’t have a name or even a breed, or even a specific color, didn’t seem to make things difficult for the purple little dog. Her furry tail stood firmly and roundly up, her crooked legs served her so well that often she, as if neglecting the use of all four legs, gracefully raised one hind leg and very deftly and quickly ran on three legs. Everything was a matter of pleasure for her. Now, squealing with joy, she lay on her back, now she was basking in the sun with a thoughtful and significant look, now she was frolicking, playing with a sliver of wood or a straw.

Vaccinations will make everyone stronger

“Now is the time when people are trying not to leave the house again. If there is no urgent need to go to a medical facility, no one will go there. How would you explain the need to get a flu shot now that there is coronavirus around?

– What does the flu vaccine mean? For several years we have been studying the cellular mechanisms of how the vaccine works when introduced into the body. It has long been known that if you get vaccinated against influenza, the incidence of illness, regardless of its nature - viral or bacterial - decreases by about 15% among those who have been vaccinated. That is, it protects not only from the flu, but also from similar diseases. And when we studied these mechanisms, it turned out that when the flu vaccine is introduced into the body, the receptors that recognize the penetration of viruses are activated. There is a relationship between the flu vaccine and coronavirus. It turns out that both the influenza virus and the coronavirus belong to the same RNA strand of the virus.

When vaccinated, the receptors in the body are greatly activated because the vaccine irritates the immune system. They remain at a high level for a long time - a month, one and a half, two. This means that if coronavirus is attached after a flu vaccination, these receptors already see it, quickly initiate and trigger a cascade of immunological reactions that allow the body to become more active in the fight against coronavirus. That's the most important thing!

Why do people get sick with coronavirus, especially in severe forms, people of the older generation? Because the coronavirus, when it enters the body, releases special substances that paralyze the human immune system. It penetrates the body and multiplies, and only after that the body sees it, and when it sees it, it’s too late. These patients who present to health care facilities do not seek help early. The first runny nose or discomfort - you should call a doctor. And they come when the temperature is 38 on the 4th–5th day and it is no longer possible to inhibit the immune reaction.

The flu vaccine activates receptors, the body immediately sees the virus and triggers a reaction mechanism. Not on the 7th or 10th day, but immediately from the first day. This is the main thing to ensure a favorable outcome from the coronavirus disease. The earlier the human immune system is initiated, the more favorable the outcome.

– If you have known this dependence for a long time, maybe we can formulate in numbers how much percent does the likelihood of the body’s successful fight against coronavirus increase if you get a flu shot?

– A study was conducted: 92 thousand people who were hospitalized with coronavirus were divided into two parts – those who received the seasonal flu vaccine and those who did not. Vaccinated people need oxygen support 20% less, end up in intensive care 8% less, and have 17–20% less mortality. These data have been proven. It’s not for nothing that the whole planet and the WHO say that during the COVID-19 pandemic, two vaccines are leading for the prevention of complications - pneumococcal and influenza vaccine. This is the effect of this vaccination. If the pneumococcal vaccine were administered to people over 65 (currently it is given free of charge only to children under four years of age), the mortality rate from COVID-19 would decrease by 10%.

– Flu vaccination is underway right now, at the end of November. There is an opinion that such vaccinations should be done on the eve of the season of rising acute respiratory diseases. How relevant is the flu shot at the end of November and December? What is the best time to get a flu vaccine?

- The earlier the better. Because at the end of summer, in September-October, the immune system is strong, people do not get sick as often (from November the incidence rate begins to rise). Then we can vaccinate. Everyone knows that if you have a runny nose, cough or other respiratory diseases, then the vaccine is not given. You have to wait 2–4 weeks. And it is best to organize mass vaccination when there is no respiratory infection. More people can be vaccinated. Accordingly, both Russia and the world are getting vaccinated pre-season, but now the tactics are changing. You can’t call it a day and get vaccinated only until the end of November. Vaccinations must be done before summer. Because one may come in the summer, the other in the fall, because he is sick, busy with something or is not yet mature and comes when respiratory infections, including the flu, have already begun. Therefore, vaccination should continue year-round.

We report to the Ministry of Health that by December 29 we had given so many vaccinations, but we must not stop vaccination, but do it individually. Those who did not have time to get vaccinated in early autumn can do so now and in December. But the sooner the better. Immunity still lasts for at least a year.

Mikhail Kostinov: “Self-medication is gaining momentum in modern society”

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Head of the Laboratory of Vaccine Prevention and Immunotherapy of Allergic Diseases of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Research Institute of Vaccines and Serums named after. I.I. Mechnikov" Mikhail Kostinov - about methods of preventing viral diseases, the characteristics of human immunity and antiviral drugs. Several books on vaccine prevention have been published under the editorship of Mikhail Petrovich. He is the author of numerous scientific articles and practical guidelines on vaccination, which are used by Russian doctors.

– It’s winter now, the period of spread of influenza and ARVI, new infectious diseases. How to better prepare and protect yourself? What preventive measures are most relevant?

– Preparation for the ARVI and influenza season should begin in the fall. Today, the most effective measure to prevent influenza is vaccination. Immunoprophylaxis is necessary to prevent morbidity, disease complications and mortality. As for emergency prevention, there are many drugs that are well known in Russia to both patients and doctors. However, their use must be justified. To prepare yourself for an infection, you should use only drugs approved for prevention. In some cases, they can be useful not only for people with reduced immunity, but also for healthy people. For example, according to one study conducted in the United States, children with chronic diseases and initially healthy children are equally likely to get the flu. But at the same time, it showed that among initially healthy children there were more deaths at the early stage of the disease. Such results once again emphasize the need for everyone, without exception, to be attentive to their health during the season of respiratory infections and take protective measures.

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