After the DPT vaccination, the child began to have difficulty sleeping at night

How we almost lost our daughter. DPT+polio

We did the last DTP + polio on Tuesday.
Even before injecting the medicine, honey. the sister warned that the last DTP is very difficult, so when you come home, without waiting for anything, immediately put on an antipyretic candle and constantly monitor the temperature. So I did. In the evening, before going to bed, I lit another candle for her. The next one was delivered at 1 am. I went to bed and fell through, I didn’t hear the alarm clock, because I set it for 1 hour to control the child. At 4:40 a.m., it was as if something had thrown me out of bed, and I went into the room to check on my daughter. I turned on the light, walked up to the crib, touched my forehead, realized that she was hot, I just started to turn around to take the thermometer when my daughter began to have convulsions before my eyes. Girls, this is very scary, and, most importantly, do not panic in this situation. I took her in my arms, grabbed the Nurofen candle, and put it down. My daughter is shaking, but her body is like stone, I put her upright in my arms, she starts to stop breathing and something similar to gag reflexes, only with foam at the mouth, I turn her over with her back to me, tilt her so that she doesn’t choke, parallel I’m trying to wake her up (since she’s sleeping, and I know that under no circumstances should a child be allowed to sleep in this state). I shout to my husband to wake up and immediately put the kettle on boil. While the kettle is boiling, I ask him to crush half a tablet of noshpa and add 3 drops of Corvalol.

My daughter’s temperature turns out to be not that high, only 38.2. I sit down on the sofa, put her on my lap and start talking to her in a calm voice so that she doesn’t “fail”, but stays conscious. At the same time, the convulsions continue, her body acquires a real gray color, and her lips become almost black, the color of wet asphalt. At this moment, the kettle has already boiled, we wrap it in a blanket, put it at the daughter’s feet, and wrap her legs in a blanket, while she herself is undressed, and put a cold towel on her head. I continue to talk to her, I have a lump in my throat, but I understand that I’m done shaking the child.

I call the emergency room, explain the situation, saying that the child may have a reaction to the vaccine, convulsions due to a high temperature. At the other end of the line they ask me, “What measures have you taken?” or you can’t cope, then call again, we’ll come to you,” hangs up! What kind of “call again if you can’t handle it”? I was waiting for the doctor to arrive and give my child an anticonvulsant. AT LEAST.

We kept her conscious for an hour, measuring her temperature every 5 minutes and renewing the towel on her head. My hair turned 30% gray overnight. An hour later the situation stabilized, we waited until the morning and called a doctor from the clinic, who was simply horrified by the emergency response.

The next night (that is, today) the situation was directly proportional to the previous night. At 9 pm the child’s temperature is 38.6. I gave her Nurofen in a mixture (it didn’t help us at all), at 23.00 the temperature was the same, I gave her 1/4 of analgin. At 00.00 the child’s temperature is 37.2, at 00.12 the temperature is 36.6, after another 10 minutes it is 36.0, and after another 10 the temperature drops to 35.3. Again a hot kettle at my feet, it seemed to be starting to rise, it rose to 35.5, I fell asleep with my daughter next to me on the sofa. I wake up an hour later, my daughter is all cold (this is provided that she is dressed, lying next to me under two blankets), and her breathing is so slow that it is almost inaudible. I measure the temperature, the mercury does not reach the beginning of the scale (the scale on our thermometer starts at 35 degrees). It turned out that it was even more difficult to get a child out of such a state, since it was very difficult to wake up, she tried for a long time to wake up (she was just like a rag, hanging there, no matter how hard you took her), woke her up, gave her hot, strong and sweet-sweet tea, raised the temperature to 35 ,4. Well, in general, this is how we got out. Next week we are going to see a neurologist at the diagnostic center about seizures.

Instead of a conclusion: My friend’s mother-in-law does not believe that her daughter has a fever every time after vaccination, my mother believes me, but constantly says that she raised 3 children and no one had any reactions.

Today my mother-in-law (she is a doctor) called me and also said that not only did Andrei (my husband) not have such reactions to vaccinations, but also in clinics for each such case (we are talking about healthy children who still have reactions occurred) there was an investigation and verification, since such reactions could be caused by improper storage of the vaccine, or improper administration, as well as poorly purified vaccines.

From here I draw the following conclusions: earlier, under the Soviet system, all production was in the hands of the state, control was strict and thorough. Afterwards, when all the enterprises were sold and registered as private individuals, commerce came into play, and now the main thing is not how to store the vaccine, but the kickback received on a hairy paw. Quite often mothers are warned that after vaccination they monitor the child’s temperature, since the “immune temperature” supposedly rises, as they call it, and this is not the first time I have heard from people of the older generation that before even such a concept There was no “immune temperature”, as well as no temperature itself in children after vaccinations.

Headings: Life stories, Against vaccination Tags: DPT, vaccine, polio, child


Child sleeps poorly: from 3 to 6 years

There are certain generally accepted standards for how and how much a child should sleep at a given age. For example, the average sleep duration of 4-year-old children is 11 hours, and 6-year-old children’s sleep is a little more than 9 hours. These numbers are not a secret, so many parents of children aged 3 to 6 years, relying on them, believe that their child does not sleep well at night, or even discovers that he has insomnia.

If we exclude various pathologies, neurological problems and somatic disorders, as well as serious diseases that often cause sleep disturbances in a child 3-6 years old, who should already have developed a correct sleep pattern by this age, then we can name several characteristic problems.

A 4-year-old child does not sleep well at night: it may be due to night terrors or nightmares

For children aged 3 to 6 years, the most common cause of restless, interrupted sleep is night terrors.[1] It should be noted that they are less common in girls and occur more often in boys.[2] Night terrors manifest themselves with sudden crying, when the child is quite difficult to calm down. Sometimes this can take up to half an hour. Crying is more common in younger children. There is no awakening. And in the morning the child does not remember that he even woke up and cried. If a 5-year-old child has trouble sleeping at night due to a sudden night terror, he or she will typically sit up abruptly in bed and experience increased heart rate, breathing, and pulse rates. He screams and calls his mother.[3]

There are also frequent complaints from parents whose 5-year-old child sleeps poorly due to nightmares. True, in fairness, it should be noted that children of any age can have nightmares. The reason for these difficulties lies, as a rule, in overstimulation during the day or in the evening hours. Children aged 3-6 years are excitable and impressionable, and the imperfection of the nervous system and its inability to cope with the information flow, often negative, completes the matter. As a result, a child at 3-4 years old or 5-6 years old has difficulty going to bed or sleeps poorly at night.

How can we explain that a 3-year-old child does not sleep well at night due to nightmares or fears?

Watching TV, including cartoons [4]; too noisy and active games; a sudden gift given to a child just before bedtime; arguing between parents; educational measures applied to the child, again before going to bed; a day full of events (both positive and negative) - all these factors contribute to the fact that a 3-year-old child:

  • sleeps poorly at night;
  • often wakes up;
  • tosses and turns, cries in sleep;
  • sleeps restlessly;
  • experiences night terrors;
  • has nightmares;
  • difficulty going to bed.

What should you do to turn the situation around when baby 4 is not sleeping well? Create a more peaceful and calm microclimate where the baby lives, surround him with affection and care, eliminate the above factors that can negatively affect the fragile psyche of the child. It’s also a good idea for parents to learn the rule that there should be a time for any activity. And teach this to the baby.

Child 4 years old and 5 years old: sleeps poorly or is this quite normal?

It is important to understand that a child’s sleep becomes similar to the sleep of an adult only at the age of 7, and before this age it has its own physiological characteristics. There is an opinion that until the age of 5-7 years, children are simply obliged to sleep during the day. This is wrong. Daytime naps may well become unnecessary when a child is 4. He only sleeps poorly at this age if his nighttime sleep is restless or short. It is quite normal if your child does not sleep during the day after reaching 4-5 years of age, provided that his night sleep is stable and during the day he feels great, alert and cheerful.

A child sleeps poorly at 3 years old and up to 6 years old: how to help?

In addition to the basic recommendations for eliminating the possible causes of restless sleep and nervousness in a child aged 3 to 6 years, we can also recommend the use of medications that act gently and delicately. These drugs include Dormikind. It is recommended for use by children from birth to 6 years of age and is in demand by many modern mothers.

The action of Dormikind and its effectiveness are determined by taking into account the peculiarities of the sleep physiology of children, which up to 7 years of age differs significantly from the sleep of an adult. The developers created this drug specifically to combat sleep disturbances and anxiety, as well as to help those children who have difficulty falling asleep if they are overexcited or even if they are very tired.

Dormikind contains natural ingredients. It is easy to use for both newborn infants and older children, who can easily absorb it on their own. Dormikind has proven its effectiveness and has earned the trust of many mothers whose children do not sleep well. 3 years old baby, 4 or 5 years old - Dormikind normalizes the sleep phases of children from birth to 6 years old.

Should I be concerned if my child sleeps a lot after vaccination?

Vaccination is carried out from birth, when the baby is still in the maternity ward, and continues throughout life. After the administration of drugs, children experience many symptoms of varying nature. Some are not dangerous and do not manifest themselves clearly. Others significantly worsen health and cause serious complications. Every parent is worried about their child, and after the vaccine is administered, they want to know about the reasons for the development of characteristic signs. If your child sleeps a lot after vaccination, then there is no need to panic. This reaction does not cause concern for health, but on the contrary allows the small organism to quickly restore vitality. The condition after vaccination largely depends on the quality of the drug, the degree of its purification and the state of the child’s health. It is absolutely excluded to vaccinate a child if any diseases or slightest ailments are diagnosed. In this case, the immune system directs all its forces to fight the existing pathology and will not be able to produce antibodies to the received vaccine without severe symptoms.

Causes of increased drowsiness after vaccination

Some vaccinations are easily tolerated, others are quite severe for the immune system and are always accompanied by some kind of negative reaction. The heaviest vaccination is DPT, which is carried out in three stages. Among the reasons why a child constantly sleeps after vaccination are the following factors:

  1. It is easier for the body to fight the disease when the baby is calm or sleeping. Building immunity to the vaccine is carried out in two stages. The first is the production of antibodies to the resulting strain, the second is the removal of pathogens from organs and systems. Therefore, drowsiness is quite common, especially on the first day after vaccination;
  2. The effect of sedatives. Many pediatricians recommend after vaccination, when the baby is brought home, to give him the prescribed dose of a sedative, for example, Suprastin. This medicine has a mild hypnotic effect, so children sleep a lot after the vaccination procedure.

Drowsiness is a normal reaction of the body to the administered drug. For example, most babies are sleepy for three days after the DTP vaccine. Very often, along with lethargy and malaise, an increase in body temperature is observed. Against the background of hyperthermia, the child cannot lead his usual active lifestyle. A severe condition leads to a desire to sleep for a long time. When a child sleeps for a long time after vaccination, it is very important to monitor his body temperature. If there is a noticeable and rapid increase in the thermometer, it is necessary to give antipyretic drugs. As a rule, paracetamol-based medications are allowed.

Sleep disturbances after DTP

After DPT vaccination, the baby may experience disturbances in his usual routine, regarding the duration and quality of sleep. It is important to understand which conditions are a normal reaction to the vaccine and which will require medical attention.

Photo 2
DPT vaccine

The child does not sleep or sleeps poorly after vaccination

The post-vaccination period with DTP is sometimes accompanied by insomnia, anxiety and anxiety. The baby may completely refuse daytime sleep, and also wake up frequently during the night. A similar condition is observed within several days from the moment of vaccination and is the absolute norm.

Sleep disturbance after vaccination is a response of the body, which is very similar to the reaction to any disease. Usually, a child’s sleep returns to normal naturally after three days.

In some cases, after the administration of DPT, Pentaxim, Infanrix and other similar drugs, difficulty falling asleep and interrupted sleep are associated not so much with the immunoprophylaxis itself, but with the following factors:

  • consequences of an unfavorable course of labor (in particular, too long anhydrous period, fast and rapid labor, as well as various birth injuries);
  • functional disorders of the digestive organs, provoked by their immaturity - periodic short-term intestinal spasms, accumulation of gases, etc.;
  • the process of teething, which can begin at four months of age and end at six months (in this case, the baby experiences painful symptoms caused by mechanical irritation of nerve receptors);
  • a feeling of stuffiness and too dry air in the room where the baby sleeps.

Any of these factors, as well as their combination, becomes a cause of anxiety and, consequently, disruption of the usual sleep pattern.

The child sleeps for a long time after vaccination

Photo 3Long and restful sleep is extremely important for the baby after DTP vaccination. In such situations, you should not specifically wake him up, but, on the contrary, fully satisfy his natural need to sleep.

This has a positive effect on the immune system, so after the injection the child needs to spend as much time sleeping as his body requires.

It is very important not to leave the baby in the room alone, without parental supervision at night. While he is sleeping, it is necessary to constantly monitor his condition, and while he is awake, check his body temperature several times a day.

According to scientific research, lack of sleep before or after the vaccination procedure leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the natural immune response.

Associated symptoms

In some cases, along with drowsiness, additional signs of the body’s reaction to the administered vaccine are observed. If you notice the above symptoms, you need to sound the alarm and consult a doctor as soon as possible. Among them are the following aspects:

  • the child sleeps all day after vaccination, and this condition occurs for more than three days;
  • body temperature rises to critical levels, above 38.5 - 39 degrees Celsius;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract are observed, vomiting develops, and diarrhea begins;
  • any rash on the skin indicates an allergic reaction after vaccination, which in turn is also dangerous for the child, as it can cause severe symptoms.

Often there is a reverse reaction of the child’s body to vaccination. Instead of a drowsy and lethargic state, the child suffers from insomnia, cannot fall asleep during the day, and behaves extremely restlessly. Babies are constantly fussy and cry for a long time. In some cases, problems falling asleep may be related not only to the vaccine administered, but also to a number of factors. Among them are:

  1. Difficult labor process (occurs when a child is left without amniotic fluid for a long time, childbirth is too fast, as well as various intrauterine anomalies);
  2. Functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (underdevelopment of systems and organs, accumulation of gases in the tummy, colic);
  3. Teething (very often teething is manifested by severe symptoms, and at this time the child receives a dose of a drug with pathogens);
  4. Incorrect microclimate in the nursery (sleep disturbances can occur if the environment is too hot and stuffy).

Parents should remember that prolonged sleep after vaccination is very important for a small organism. Therefore, if the child sleeps for a long time after the procedure, then there is no need to panic. The alarm should be sounded if the baby exhibits additional severe signs of the disease. In this case, you cannot do without medical help.

How long does drowsiness last after DPT vaccination?

The duration of daytime sleep in children after vaccination is individual.
Judging by the reviews of parents, children can sleep for about four hours, others for the whole day. As a rule, already on the second or third day, the child’s sleep pattern returns to normal. The state of drowsiness in most children who have undergone the DTP vaccination procedure is observed within three days. It usually occurs against the background of a rise in temperature - a normal reaction to vaccination, signaling the activation of the immune system and the beginning of the process of producing antibodies to dangerous viruses.

During the post-vaccination period, it is necessary to monitor the child's temperature. If it is below the safe threshold, that is, 38.0⁰C, there is no reason to worry. If it exceeds this level, the child should take an antipyretic medicine based on paracetamol.

All about vaccinations

08/18/2019 admin Comments No comments

The introduction of any vaccine to a baby is, first of all, a parent’s concern for the condition of their child.
No one can predict a newborn's reaction to an unknown drug. It is also difficult to predict the possible consequences of such assistance to an unprotected body. DTP vaccination is one of the most allergenic and difficult to tolerate. It is a rare mother who will not complain to the doctor about a change in the child’s mood or well-being after the administration of this substance. What complications can be expected after DPT vaccination? How can I help my child cope with adverse reactions?

Why do children react hard to DPT?

This vaccine contains diphtheria and tetanus toxoids, which protect the body from these infections. But in most cases the reaction is caused by another component - killed pertussis germs.

The first DTP vaccine is given to a child at three months - this is the time when the natural protection that the baby receives from mother's milk begins to weaken. Therefore, vaccination in most cases coincides with a decrease in the child’s body’s own protective capabilities. In conjunction with this important event is the introduction of foreign cells, even non-living ones, due to which vaccination leads to undesirable consequences in children from DTP vaccination. Their body often responds with various reactions to the introduction of such foreign cells.

How many DPT vaccinations do you need to get?

“Vaccination is carried out for both children and adults in order to create immunity against these infections,” notes pediatrician Madina Abdulaeva. — At the same time, the body produces protective factors necessary for immune protection for a certain period. In childhood, it is carried out at three, four and a half months and six months, that is, every 45 days. This is followed by revaccination at one and a half years, the next stage is the introduction of the vaccine at seven and 14 years.”

This schedule is due to the specificity of the formation of the body’s immune response. Lifelong immunity from these infections cannot be developed. And by primary school age, the number of antibodies from whooping cough decreases significantly, so vaccinated children can also become infected with a dangerous infection. Because of this, in addition to the traditional Russian vaccination in the first year of life and at one and a half years, revaccination at seven and 14 years was added to the DTP schedule.

In European countries and the USA, this practice has existed for many years. For a long time, Russia did not have a vaccine to carry out this preventive work. The drug was registered in 2021, since then it has been successfully used in children and adults.

Who is eligible for medical treatment?

In what cases is DTP vaccination not given? There are absolute contraindications when immunization is not carried out due to developing diseases or severe reactions to the components of the drug. There are temporary contraindications when doctors recommend delaying vaccination for several days.

  1. Absolute contraindications are progressive diseases of the nervous system: uncontrolled epilepsy, prolonged afebrile seizures, progressive encephalopathy.
  2. The first group also includes a strong reaction to the previous vaccine.
  3. Relative contraindications to DTP are acute diseases and exacerbation of chronic processes.

Why is DPT vaccination dangerous? - it temporarily reduces immunity. This is normal and is tolerated relatively well when the child is completely healthy. But if the day before the vaccination the child’s temperature even slightly rises (above 37 ºC), inform the doctor about this, because such a symptom may indicate the onset of an infection. Ask for a referral for a complete blood test to determine whether the drug can be administered to your baby. This is one of the effective ways to avoid unwanted complications from the DTP vaccine.

What are the complications of DTP vaccination?

Reactions and complications to the administration of DTP are divided into two main groups:

  • local or local, which are observed at the site of drug administration;
  • general, when the whole body reacts with malaise, fever and other changes in well-being.

How long the reaction to the DTP vaccine lasts depends on the body’s immune capabilities, as well as on compliance with the regimen and rules for administering the drug. For example, body temperature rises in different ways, as a result of which they distinguish:

  • weak vaccine reaction when the temperature does not exceed 37.5 ºC;
  • average reaction with an increase in body temperature to 38.5 ºC;
  • severe if the temperature goes beyond 38.5 ºC.

How long does the temperature last after DTP vaccination? Normally, this reaction of the body quickly passes within one or two days, but there are protracted reactions. They may depend on many associated factors - the addition of an acute viral or bacterial infection, the development of an allergic reaction.

What complications does the DTP vaccine cause? Each child reacts differently. The main rule that parents should follow is not to listen to other families about previous complications and reactions to the drug.

Local body reactions

What are the local complications associated with DTP administration?

  1. Local complications include compaction after DPT vaccination. What to do if it appears? A small (up to 1 cm) tissue compaction may occur within 2–3 days. To deal with it faster, it is recommended to apply a compress to the affected area. If the lump does not go away and increases in size, tell your doctor.
  2. What to do when a lump appears after DTP at the injection site of the vaccine? This symptom may indicate the development of a serious complication - infiltration or local purulent inflammation of tissues. In addition, the child's temperature will rise and soreness in the hip area will appear. This condition is often observed when an infection occurs during immunoprophylaxis. How to reduce the temperature after DTP in this case? You need to see a doctor immediately. He will prescribe antibiotics and the necessary symptomatic medications.
  3. In the area where the drug was administered, allergic reactions often occur with slight swelling of the skin and hyperemia or redness of the DPT injection site. This is how the human body reacts to the introduction of a foreign substance. The first “defenders” are blood cells that try to cope with toxoids that are unfamiliar to them and killed pertussis microbes.

General reactions of the child’s body to DTP

They are varied in nature. The body's reactions are divided into four large groups:

  • toxic reactions;
  • damage to the nervous system;
  • complications due to incorrect administration technique;
  • severe allergic manifestations.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

  1. Hyperthermia, deterioration of health, weakness, lethargy, loss of appetite and rare vomiting are the first group of complications. What temperature should be lowered after DTP? It is believed that a critical increase in body temperature is 38.5 ºC and above. But in the case when the child is nervous, capricious and whiny at a temperature below this level, you can help him by prescribing antipyretic drugs.
  2. The nervous system also reacts to a new substance in the body. Parents noticed a monotonous cry, restlessness, short-term slight increase in temperature, and convulsions in the child after vaccination after DTP vaccination. Seizures appear more often during the first day after vaccination or 2-3 days later. They are single or repeated, sometimes accompanied by loss of consciousness. These are rare complications and are associated with short-term swelling of the brain.
  3. Post-vaccination encephalitis (inflammation of the brain). This complication occurs after DTP in one case per million. Symptoms may vary. The initial stage is characterized by repeated convulsions and hyperthermia, nausea, vomiting, and headaches.
  4. The child is limping after receiving DTP vaccination. This is the result of improper administration of the drug. Normally, the vaccine is administered intramuscularly into the anterior outer region of the thigh. Accidental contact with nerve fibers leads to the above symptom.
  5. Severe allergic reactions. Snot after DTP vaccination, sneezing, rashes all over the body are the consequences of an allergic reaction. In more severe cases, angioedema or anaphylactic shock develops, most often 20–30 minutes after the injection. In young children, a collaptoid state develops during DPT - the child becomes lethargic, pale, adynamic, beads of cold sweat appear on the forehead, and blood pressure drops.

One more group of complications can be identified - this is the addition of a concomitant infection after administration of the drug. A cough after DPT vaccination, sore throat, weakness and redness of the tonsils develop for several days if the child had contact with an infected person before or after vaccination.

Diarrhea after DTP vaccination, nausea, vomiting and weakness occur when an intestinal infection is added. The reason for this is the consumption of poor quality food.

What to do before DTP vaccination

Vaccination does not require special preparation. It is enough for a child and an adult not to be sick before the procedure for 14 days. If your baby has symptoms of allergies (rashes, atopic dermatitis), it is advisable to take an antihistamine prescribed by a pediatrician.

Sometimes the preparation needs to be more thorough. This applies to children with progressive neurological disease. If its course is stable, the decision to vaccinate should be made by a pediatrician and a neurologist.

Whole-cell vaccines are not given to children prone to febrile seizures due to fever. And for babies who have already had an acute reaction to a previous vaccination:

It is worth holding off on vaccination if the child has an acute respiratory viral infection, as well as during an exacerbation of a chronic disease. After an acute infection, you need to give the body two to four weeks to recover to form the correct immune response. After a mild acute respiratory viral infection or intestinal infection, vaccination can be performed immediately after the temperature has returned to normal.

Treatment of adverse reactions

To cope with complications of DTP administration, you need to consult with your doctor in advance about the possible consequences of the vaccination and first aid for the child if they occur. In most cases, treatment is symptomatic and consists of prescribing familiar medications.

  1. What to do if the temperature rises after DTP vaccination? For normal fever, antipyretic medications are prescribed for one or two days. But if hyperthermia bothers the child for longer or the body temperature exceeds 38.5 ºC, this is a reason to consult a doctor.
  2. The appearance of a local reaction to DTP in the form of compaction and the development of infiltration also requires examination by a healthcare professional. In such situations, it is sometimes necessary to prescribe anti-inflammatory substances and antibiotics, but only after consultation with a specialist.
  3. Some allergic reactions can be corrected by giving antihistamines (anti-allergy medications) for several days until symptoms subside. In severe cases, the child is taken to the hospital.
  4. If a child’s leg hurts after DTP vaccination, he should be referred to a neurologist for examination to rule out an inflammatory process of the nerve.

When should you see a doctor?

In some situations, the help of a pediatrician may be required.

You should definitely contact your pediatrician if you have the following symptoms:

  • drowsiness lasting longer than three days;
  • body temperature above 38.5-39⁰С;
  • disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • skin rash of an allergic or any other nature.

How to avoid adverse reactions to DTP administration

The introduction of DTP is a burden not only on the child’s body, but also on loved ones. Nerves, fuss, running for medications - not the most pleasant pastime for parents. To avoid this, you need to prepare in advance for the upcoming vaccination.

  1. Before administering DTP, visit your doctor and undergo a blood test.
  2. Consult with a specialist about the possible consequences and what to do if they occur, as well as what medications you should stock up on.
  3. If there was a reaction to the previous vaccine administration, find out what can replace DPT.
  4. Do not bathe your child for 24 hours after vaccination, and do not wet the injection site.
  5. Walking in the fresh air is not prohibited, but try to avoid crowds of people (pharmacies, shops, markets). Walk before and after DTP vaccination in places where there is a limited number of children and adults.
  6. You cannot give new foods to your child during the immunization period. This may cause an allergic reaction.

Normal body reactions to vaccination

After DTP, children may experience the following reaction:

  • increase in mercury on the thermometer to 38.5;
  • redness or itching at the vaccination site;
  • tearfulness or anxiety;
  • decreased appetite;
  • bad dream.

An increase in temperature in children up to 38 degrees in the first three days after DTP vaccination should not cause alarm among parents. This is the physiological reaction of the body to the administered drug. It is worth giving your baby an antipyretic drug according to the schedule and monitoring his well-being.

Redness or itching at the vaccination site can cause great trouble for the baby. The reaction provokes poor sleep. To alleviate the condition, give your baby an antihistamine and lubricate the reddened area with Fenistil-gel. You can bandage the leg with a thin cotton cloth or gauze. If the baby stops scratching the reddened area, the itching will go away faster.

A child becomes whiny due to general malaise. Calm the baby, provide him with peace. You should not play active games with your baby, wrap him up, or overheat him. The room should not be hot. Follow a daily routine. You cannot switch to new baits within 7 days. Give breastfeeding to infants more often, let the child suckle in small portions. Monitor your baby's weight.

If your baby doesn’t sleep well and often wakes up crying, you can try to alleviate the condition in known and simple ways:

  1. Make an infusion of mint, lemon balm, and hawthorn. Dry collection (1 teaspoon) should be poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and left in a warm place for 3 hours. Give the baby from a bottle 2–1.5 hours before bedtime. The child will calm down, the itching will go away, and sleep will return to normal.
  2. Make a compress of honey and flour, apply it to the sore spot. The cake should not be warm, just at room temperature. Remember, you can’t heat the area after DTP, as this can cause inflammation.
  3. If the reason for poor sleep after DTP is high temperature, wipe the baby’s body with warm water. You can add alcohol to the water in a ratio of 5/1. You should not try to reduce the temperature by wiping with vodka or vinegar. The compositions are aggressive and can easily dry out the delicate skin.
  4. Give your baby a light soothing massage before bed. But do not rub the vaccination site. Help your baby relax, and then sleep will be calmer.
  5. Before going to bed, ventilate the room and use a humidifier. If you don’t have a purchased device, you can simply hang a damp sheet or towel over the batteries.
  6. Chamomile infusions are good for calming children. Dried flowers are brewed like tea and given to the baby from a bottle. Chamomile will help relieve itching, reduce inflammation and the baby will calm down.

It is important to monitor the general condition of children. If the temperature is high and the child is eating and sleeping well, then there is no reason to worry. When you have trouble sleeping and have a high temperature that is not brought down by antipyretic compounds, you should call a specialist.

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