The Ministry of Health spoke about electronic certificates of vaccinations against COVID-19

What is a vaccination certificate

Throughout a person’s life (normally), they receive vaccinations several times. The fact of fulfillment of each of them is documented in two official accounting forms. These are form 063/u (vaccination card) and form 156/u-93 (vaccination certificate). Both of these documents, provided they are completed correctly, are equally valid.

The vaccination certificate is a document that is a small book of A5 size. It contains a strictly regulated number of pages, each of which is intended for information of a given content. To obtain a certificate of vaccinations, you must visit a medical institution with the following set of documents:

  • ID card;
  • a form for entering information;
  • medical card.

Documents for obtaining a vaccination certificate

By presenting the listed papers, the patient will be able to receive a certificate.

What is included in the vaccination document

According to the form adopted by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the document contains on its pages the following information:

  • The title page contains the patient’s personal data – full name, registration address, contact phone number, information about blood type and Rh factor. This is the so-called passport part. The first page also contains a corner stamp and the official seal of the medical institution in which the document was issued;
  • all subsequent pages are designed in the form of tables. In particular, the second and third have columns for data on immune responses after the administration of vaccines. There is also information about whether the person has been vaccinated against tuberculosis or not. Each entry is accompanied by the seal and signature of the responsible person;
  • the fourth and fifth pages contain information about vaccinations against diphtheria, whooping cough, and tetanus. There is also information about vaccinations that are not included in the vaccination certificate, but their implementation is advisable if there is a disease emergency in the region. In particular, we are talking about the flu;
  • on the sixth and seventh pages there is data on injections that should be carried out in certain epidemically unfavorable regions, for example, in areas where there is a high probability of contracting mumps;
  • the eighth page contains information about antibody titers, if they were detected, and intolerance to certain drugs. This also includes information about allergic reactions that occurred after the administration of vaccines, information about which is indicated on the 4th...7th pages;
  • The last page contains information about vaccines against viral hepatitis, rubella and measles.

Various sections of the certificate contain information about past infectious diseases and studies of immune strength carried out. Here notes are made about the introduction of immunoglobulins, indicating their class, concentration and volume. The vaccination certificate records the performance of tuberculin tests and the results of papules measurements.

All data in the certificate is entered only by the responsible medical professional, who, as a rule, performs all required injections. The document also reflects information about the drug being administered, in particular its name, number, and dose administered.

The certificate is valid if each entry is certified by the signature of the medical professional who filled it out. The information is accompanied by a visa from the chief physician of the institution where the patient received the document, as well as the seal of the clinic or hospital. A standard “triangle” with the text “For certificates and certificates of temporary incapacity for work” will do.

What is included in the vaccination document

What does it look like?

Information about the vaccination performed is included in a special standard certificate.
The form of such a document is approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia (order No. 220 of September 17, 1993). The certificate form and a sample for filling it out can be downloaded on the Internet or taken from a local clinic. In the upper left corner the name of the institution is indicated - the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. In the right corner are codes according to OKUD, institutions according to OKPO.

The title of the document is located in the center. Below on the left is the date of registration. To the right it is indicated for which institution the certificate is issued. Below is the surname, patronymic, name of the person to whom the document is issued, address and date of birth of the person.

The table lists all the information about the vaccinations given:

  • date of immunization;
  • name of the drug;
  • dosage;
  • vaccine series;
  • vaccination site;
  • reaction.

Why do you need information about vaccinations?

The vaccination certificate contains information about mandatory and additional vaccinations and the patient’s overall health status. The document is required in the following situations:

  • during planned or emergency hospitalization in a 24-hour hospital for medical care;
  • upon enlistment in the army;
  • for registration in organizations located in resort towns;
  • if the work is related to food products;
  • upon admission to educational institutions;
  • to participate in sports competitions;
  • when preparing documents for traveling to another country.

These are not all situations when an employee of a certain department may require the document in question from a person.

In the listed cases, it is important that mandatory vaccinations are completed on time, and information about them is promptly included in the vaccination certificate. The frequency of vaccination against individual infections is as follows.

  1. Once a year. Autumn is the time to get a flu shot. If there are no contraindications, it is recommended to protect yourself from infection in order to preserve your health and not end up on sick leave.
  2. Once every three years. With such frequency it is necessary to renew immunity against tick-borne encephalitis. This vaccination is not necessary for everyone, but only for citizens living in epidemic outbreak areas, relaxing outdoors, and so on. Of course, a health insurance policy will cover the cost of treatment in case of a tick bite, but prevention is better, because the disease is fraught with dangerous complications.
  3. Once every 5-7 years. This is how long the effect of vaccination against hepatitis B is, a terrible disease that affects the liver and provokes the development of oncological processes. Every adult is at risk, since infection occurs through bodily fluids - during medical procedures, tattooing, and sexual contact.
  4. Once every 10 years. Once every decade throughout your life you need to undergo revaccination against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus.

Where to get a vaccination certificate

The certificate of completed preventive vaccinations has a certain form. If the patient wants to receive a document for registration that does not contain any information, this can be done at kiosks where they sell printed materials. You can fill out the certificate from your attending physician or in the treatment room of a medical institution where there is a license to perform vaccinations.

Where can I get an international document?

An international certificate differs in that it must contain information about the administration of certain vaccines against diseases endemic in a particular region. In particular, this type of certificate is required for seafarers on international voyages. For example, Central and South America, Africa, and some Asian countries are considered epidemiologically dangerous regions. However, many doctors recommend vaccination when visiting some regions of Russia. This is necessary to prevent the transmission of viruses and bacteria during infection if an epidemiological emergency occurs in the area of ​​the visit.

An international document is issued in medical institutions licensed to conduct preventive vaccinations. The certificate in question is also filled out in private centers.


But often you have to stand in line first at the reception desk, and then at the specialist’s office. To avoid this red tape, many decide to turn to private companies.

Here the certificate is issued promptly: within an hour. Many companies offer to obtain a fictitious document. This option is optimal for those who do not want to be vaccinated.

A certificate of vaccination against measles, flu, hepatitis or other diseases in private organizations is issued on average for 800-1000 rubles. If necessary, company employees can make a medical exemption from vaccination. This service costs a little more – 1000-1200 rubles.

Vaccination certificate form 156/u-93 can be purchased for 2,300 rubles. A certificate of Mantoux reaction costs an average of 800 rubles. A preventive vaccination card in form 063/u costs about 1,000 rubles. You can purchase a vaccination certificate with delivery.

How much does registration cost?

A passport for vaccinations done in public medical institutions is provided free of charge. All you need to do is purchase a blank form at a print kiosk. It costs between 30-40 rubles.

Clinic registration

As for private medical centers, the fee for document processing varies widely. It depends on the status of the clinic and the list of required vaccinations. Price – from 1000 rubles.

Where to get a vaccination certificate depends entirely on the desire of the person. He can go to a public or private medical institution. The main thing is that a license to carry out vaccination procedures is issued. You should not trust those who claim that they will complete the document without administering vaccines. In this case, a person risks his health, and in some cases his life, if there is a high probability of becoming infected with dangerous viruses or bacteria in the region.


Each outpatient clinic maintains a special file cabinet.
It presents vaccination cards distributed by month of subsequent vaccination. This approach allows for immunoprophylaxis to be carried out in a timely manner. Documents on immunoprophylaxis are stored for 5 years. The validity period of the immunization certificate is limited to the period of presence of antibodies in the body.

For example, a flu vaccination document is valid for 12 months. The official form for vaccinations begins to be filled out at the first vaccination from infancy.

What to do when the vaccination certificate is irretrievably lost or damaged

Sometimes you may encounter a situation where the immunization certificate of a child or adult has been lost or damaged. This occurs when a document is accidentally thrown away by shuffling papers, or by spilling a drink on it. In this case, there are several ways out that will help correct the current situation.

Vaccination certificate

How to restore a vaccination certificate

The first option for document recovery involves lengthy work. You can contact the medical institution to which the patient is assigned. Here you will find all the information about the vaccinations carried out, which the doctor will transfer to the new form. However, this is not possible in all cases. For example, if the patient is assigned to a clinic at the place of registration, but lives, studies or works in another city. That is why they resort to another method of document recovery, which requires preliminary preparation.

It is recommended to make a photocopy of it in advance and have it certified by a notary, who will sign and seal it. In this case, you won’t have to worry about how to restore the document if it is damaged or lost. You can have a document certified by a notary without visiting him. To do this, you need to contact the HR department employee at your place of work or the doctor who filled out the document.

Where should it be stored?

The vaccination certificate is not kept in medical institutions. It is handed over to the patient, who is responsible for its safety. If a document is lost or damaged, all actions to restore it fall on the shoulders of its owner. That is why it is advisable to first make a photocopy of all pages.

Since the certificate is in the patient's possession, it should be kept together with important documents such as identification. It must be remembered that a vaccination passport is included in the list of required documents in many situations. Without it, for example, you won’t be able to get a job in a dangerous job or go on a planned vacation.

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