What needs to be done before and after DTP vaccination, recommendations and medications for children and adults

DTP is a three-component vaccine that has protective functions against diseases such as whooping cough, diphtheria, and tetanus.

Bacteria infections affect vital organs, disrupt their functioning, are difficult to treat, and in most cases of diphtheria and tetanus in children lead to death. Vaccination is considered complex and therefore requires special preparation.

DPT vaccination schedule

DTP vaccination is carried out according to the national calendar. Standard regimen: 3 doses with an interval of 4 to 6 weeks, after a year 4 doses - the first revaccination.

In case of contraindications, a vaccine with a different composition is selected and an individual schedule is calculated.

Table - DTP schedule by age

3 months1VaccinationThree-component DPT or individually without whooping cough, two-component or imported
4.5 months2
6 months3
18 months (or up to 4 years)4Revaccinations
6-7 years5Domestic ADS-M, after 4 years without pertussis component or foreign with whooping cough
14-15 years old6
Every 10 years until age 757, 8, 9

Before a year, vaccination is carried out, after a year - revaccination. The first repeated vaccination is carried out with DTP (up to four years), subsequent ones without the pertussis component.

It is also possible to use a foreign vaccine; for revaccination after 4 years, there are drugs containing whooping cough.

How to prepare for DTP vaccination

DTP is the most reactogenic vaccine; adverse reactions to whooping cough and diphtheria agents are common. Therefore, when preparing, it is necessary to protect the child from infections.

What medications should be given before DPT vaccination?

To prevent allergies (according to indications), antihistamines should be given 1-2 days before the injection.

Before the procedure, drink an antipyretic, this will prevent an increase in temperature and the appearance of convulsions (possible in infants due to fever), and will additionally provide an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Medicines based on paracetamol and ibuprofen are prescribed.

Antihistamines before preparing DTP:

  1. Suprastin for mild allergy symptoms, ¼ tablet 3 times a day. For a severe reaction - 0.25 ml. a few days.

  2. Fenistil 2-3 drops, 3 times, up to 5 days.

  3. Zyrtec can be used for 6 months, dripping into a cleansed nose once a day.

  4. Zodak from one year onwards, 5 drops 2 times a day.

  5. Erius after a year, syrup 2.5 ml 1 r/day.

All drugs can reduce complications in the body. The dosage is no more than 2.5 ml; only the number of times per day varies depending on age. It is necessary to solder for several days before and after vaccination.

Antihistamines should only be taken as directed by a doctor if there is a risk of allergies.

Tests before DTP vaccination

Is it necessary to donate blood before DPT? Yes, according to the pediatrician’s direction, there is no need to do this yourself. The analysis will show the presence or absence of pathological changes in the body.

Tests that need to be taken before DTP:

  1. CBC - complete blood count. White blood cells indicate inflammatory processes; hemoglobin, red blood cells – anemia; platelets – clotting; eosinophils – allergies.
  2. OAM - general urine test, taken 1-7 days in advance, ideally 3-5 days. Protein levels indicate inflammation.

In case of inflammatory processes, immunization should be postponed until recovery. If eosinophils are elevated, take antihistamines for 7 days (2-3 days before and after).

Neurologist before DPT

Vaccination after consultation with a neurologist is given to premature babies with neurological abnormalities from birth. A specialist may recommend canceling vaccination during an unstable course of the disease with aggravated seizures.

CNS PP, CNS HIP, hypoxia-based encephalopathy without convulsive syndrome are not indicators of withdrawal. Vaccination is delayed with the possibility of replacing the drug with acellular ones: Pentaxim or Infanrix (from 2500 - 3000 rubles/dose).

How many days before vaccination should all laboratory tests be completed?

Photo 3
Laboratory tests are carried out 1-7 days before vaccination, the standard recommendation is 3-5 days.

In addition to laboratory tests, it is recommended to consult a neurologist before DTP, and to be examined by a pediatrician on the day of vaccination. During the examination of the child, the doctor should listen to the lungs and heart, look at the throat and skin, and check the frequency of stool.

If there are no medical objections and normal tests, the child is allowed to be vaccinated.

Recommendations at the time of injection

During vaccination, it is important for the mother to be calm and not convey exciting emotions to the child. You can distract children, play with your favorite toy, smile, talk, hold them in your arms regardless of age, let them cry.

The injection is made in the thigh, the elder in the shoulder - fix the limb of the person being vaccinated when administering the injection.

Monitor the doctor's actions. Don’t be afraid to ask about the name of the drug, expiration dates, post-vaccination reactions.

How is it transferred

Normally, the immune system reacts by producing redness and swelling at the injection site. If the tumor grows more than 8 cm and does not go away after 3 days, you should consult a doctor.

Malaise, refusal to eat, and vomiting often occur. As a result of deterioration in health, whims, tearfulness, and aggression can be observed.

Allergies to vaccination in the form of a rash on the skin can be relieved with antihistamines; it is recommended to take them a couple of days “before” during preparation, on the day of the injection and 2-3 days “after”. Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock appears immediately at the time of the injection; immediate medical attention is needed.

An increase in temperature to 38o C is considered normal, since the fever is easily reduced. Above 39o-40oC you need to call an ambulance.

Are you “ready” for vaccination: tests before vaccination against COVID-19

Many people probably remember that the “path” to the vaccination office in childhood always ran through the pediatrician. The doctor conducted an examination, listened to something with a phonendoscope, peered at the “papers” with tests, and only then wrote out a referral. And the situation has not changed with age.

After all, each vaccination is a load on the immune system and other body systems. And, if there is “something wrong” with the latter, the risk of severe complications increases many times over.

Basic “readiness” parameters

For those who consider themselves relatively healthy and do not have a hereditary predisposition to vascular diseases and thrombosis, before vaccination it is enough to check:

  1. clinical blood test with leukocyte formula,
  2. general urine analysis,
  3. basic biochemistry
  4. C-reactive protein level.

A general (clinical) blood test will show:

  • is there any systemic inflammation,
  • deficiency of immune cells,
  • allergies at the moment,
  • anemia, which sharply reduces the body’s protective and regenerative abilities,

Latent inflammation that is not reflected in the general analysis will show an increase in C-reactive protein.

A urine test will “highlight” urinary infections (if any), even if the latter proceed unnoticed, as well as violations of the filtration capacity of the kidneys (protein, red blood cells in the urine).

And basic biochemistry will allow you to exclude damage to the liver, kidneys, as well as the risk or degree of iron deficiency (which is a factor in weakening the immune system) and diabetes, even the latent course of which “hurts” the blood vessels and general health.

And, among other things, you can look at the presence of antibodies to coronavirus; data on the initial level of antibodies will be needed to assess the post-vaccination immune response.

For those at risk

Currently, people with chronic diseases are allowed to get vaccinated against COVID-19. But only in case of remission, confirmed by laboratory and instrumental studies (ultrasound, ECG, CT and others).

A special risk group is represented by people who have blood clotting disorders or risk factors for their development. Thus, a screening coagulogram (clotting test) and homocysteine ​​test are indicated not only for those who already have the corresponding disorders, but also in the case of a family history of thrombosis or the presence of risk factors for its development (taking contraceptive drugs, excess estrogen, obesity, metabolic disorders folate, smoking and others).

Those who have had a history of heart attacks and strokes are also recommended to check their lipid balance (to exclude existing atherosclerosis) and the level of ultrasensitive C-reactive protein, which makes it possible to identify the risk of changes in blood vessels at the earliest, preclinical stage.

Detection of abnormalities in “vascular” tests requires consultation with the attending physician regarding the selection of a suitable vaccine and the development of “post-vaccination” observation tactics.

Well, if the deviations are critical, the issue of obtaining a medical exemption from vaccination is considered.

How to behave after vaccination by day

Give a child with allergies or diathesis 1-2 days in advance antihistamines according to the age-specific dosage. Do not expose to infections.

0 Day. Give an antipyretic (suppository). If the temperature rises, put another candle overnight. Do not get it wet, do not walk for 2 days.

First night after vaccination. At night, temperatures are checked hourly. If it rises in the morning (do not wipe with alcohol solutions, it dries out the skin), give an antipyretic in accordance with the daily dose for the child’s weight.

1 day. If there is a fever in the morning, give an antipyretic + antihistamine. Then during the day and at night.

2 days. At a low temperature of about 37C, it is permissible to refuse suppositories and take only anti-allergy medications.

3 days. If the high temperature persists and there is a local reaction, then the child has a concomitant disease (teething, acute respiratory infections, flu), which requires treatment by a pediatrician.

Before vaccination

Before the first vaccination with DTP vaccine, it is necessary to do a general blood and urine test, and also obtain permission from a neurologist for

If your child has allergic disorders (diathesis, etc.), discuss with your doctor in advance a plan for preventing exacerbation of allergies. Usually

it involves taking antihistamines (suprastin, fenistil) for 2 days before vaccination and 2 days after.

If you haven't already, buy children's antipyretics with paracetamol. It is better to buy candles, since the flavors in the syrups themselves

may cause adverse reactions.

On the day of vaccination

Do not introduce new complementary foods or new types of food. If your child is breastfed, do not introduce new foods into your diet.

If the child is old enough, never, even jokingly, scare the child with vaccination.

If your child asks about the injection, be honest and say that it may be a little painful, but it’s only for a few seconds.

Before leaving home

If you have a vaccination certificate showing your vaccinations, take it with you.

Be sure to take your baby's favorite toy or diaper with you.

After vaccination

In the first 30 minutes after vaccination

Do not forget and do not hesitate to ask your questions to the doctor. Be sure to ask about what and when reactions to the vaccine may occur and in

in what cases to seek medical help.

Do not rush to leave the clinic. Sit for 20-30 minutes near the office. Firstly, it will help you calm down, and secondly,

will allow you to quickly provide assistance in case of immediate allergic reactions to the vaccine.

If the baby is breastfed, give him the breast, this will help him calm down.

If the child is old enough, please him with some pleasant surprise, reward him with something, praise him. Tell him that

Everything is fine.

Upon returning home after vaccination

In case of vaccination with DTP vaccine: unless otherwise prescribed by the doctor, give the child a dose (suppository or syrup) of an antipyretic. This

will help avoid unpleasant reactions that occur in the first hours after vaccination.

Never use aspirin. Its use in young children is fraught with serious complications.

If a Mantoux test was performed, when swimming, try not to let water get into the place where the test was taken. Don't forget that sweat is also

liquid, so make sure your baby's hand doesn't sweat.

In the case of vaccination with live vaccines (drops of polio vaccine OPV, measles, mumps, rubella), adverse reactions are usually

occur 5-12 days after vaccination.

If any reaction occurs, but the vaccination was not done with a live vaccine, then vaccination with 99% probability has nothing to do with it. The most common cause of temperature and some other reactions in young children is teething, and in older children - colds.

Komarovsky about DTP vaccination

Dr. Komarovsky is definitely in favor of vaccinations. There are practically no contraindications for completely refusing vaccination; there are cases of delay or replacement with suitable components.

Evgeniy Olegovich recommends that parents study the information about DTP well, do not worry, and be prepared for vaccine reactions.

The main parental preparation for vaccination is a correct lifestyle, including good nutrition, walks, and monitoring the environment.

A healthy person can be vaccinated without any prior preparation.

When to start preparing for vaccination

Ideally, preparation for vaccination takes about two weeks. This period especially needs to be maintained before serious vaccinations, for example, DPT. If your immune system is weakened, chronic diseases often occur, or there is a high risk of an allergic reaction, it is advisable to visit an immunologist.

The child will need psychological preparation before vaccination. It is better to explain the purpose of the visit to the treatment room in advance; you can watch a themed cartoon or play a game with a similar plot.

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