Truth and myths why you should not contact water after Mantoux

Why can't you wet manta rays? This has been worrying moms and dads for decades. To answer it you need to get a detailed understanding of this procedure, as well as understand why it is necessary. A person receives several vaccinations throughout his life. Vaccination against tuberculosis is considered one of the most important. To check the presence of tuberculosis pathogens in the body, a test is carried out, which is called “Mantoux”.

Reasons why you can’t wet the Mantoux sample

Parents perceive this harmless procedure with caution. Doctors sometimes cannot explain in detail what precautions should be taken after the procedure. The most basic question that arises among mothers is whether manta rays can be wetted or not. And also when it will be possible to bathe the child.

Purpose of Mantoux

The test is not a vaccination, in the usual meaning of the word. This is a method by which the presence of tubercle bacilli is determined.

The test is mandatory for all children. For those children who have already been vaccinated against tuberculosis (BCG), it is first given at twelve months. For children who have not been vaccinated with BCG, the test is carried out every six months starting from six months. Then once every 12 months. It is not recommended to skip this procedure.

After how many days can you wet the manta ray?

The debate about the inadmissibility of swimming after a test has been going on for a long time. Some doctors allow children to be bathed on the same day, but categorically prohibit the use of a washcloth to wash the “problem hand.”

Other pediatricians insist on avoiding bathing or showering for four days. This point of view was supported by a large number of pediatric doctors. One of the arguments put forward is that vaccination is already a lot of stress for the child. The child’s body works hard during this period to neutralize the effects of the “guests” received along with the injection. It is difficult to predict how the reaction will develop after water procedures.

There is an opinion that water can introduce harmful substances or microorganisms into the wound. This will affect the diagnosis and lead to consequences. It is possible that another vaccination will be required and then a visit to the TB dispensary.

Do not wet Manta for three days

A little history

Warnings do not appear out of nowhere. The myth about preventing water from getting on manta rays dates back to the last century. It developed steadily in the sixties. At that time, the sample was administered not inside the skin, but cutaneously. The Koch and Pirquet test was practiced.

The procedure was carried out in the following way:

  • a small amount of the drug was applied to the child’s skin;
  • small incisions were made at the site where the solution was applied, scratching the skin with a needle;
  • After that, the result was studied.

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With this diagnostic method, it is necessary to completely eliminate the interaction of irritating factors with the place where the test was taken. In addition to pathogenic organisms getting into the scratch during bathing, water contributed to the leaching of the drug from the scratch. Therefore, doctors forbade parents to bathe their child for several days.

In this century, few people remember the methods that were previously used to diagnose tuberculosis. However, the memory of the ban on soaking manta rays still lives on. Many doctors do not want to deviate from previously established rules and take on additional responsibility. Stereotypes that have taken root over decades have survived to this day.

What happens if you swim with a manta ray?

What you can and cannot do

Parents do not want to study the question of whether water can affect the reaction from an injection. For these moms and dads, it would be appropriate to avoid bathing the baby for the recommended period.

In addition to avoiding contact with water, parents need to follow a few more rules and protect the child’s hand after vaccination. The following actions are strictly prohibited.

  1. Applying a patch to the injection site.
  2. Comb the sample area. If you rub it, the diagnostic picture will be blurred. If complications arise, when the “button” swells and turns intensely red, you should not self-medicate:
  • smear with brilliant green;
  • bandage your hand;
  • use ointments;
  • use folk remedies - herbs, powders, infusions;
  • apply compresses;
  • sprinkle with streptocide, etc.
  1. You should consult a doctor immediately. Only a specialist can draw the right conclusions and prescribe treatment.
  2. You cannot take your child to the pool, public baths, or the beach.

Some mothers do not pay attention to prejudices and send their children to the bath almost immediately after vaccination. It is necessary to take into account even children's bath products lead to changes in papules. Therefore, when asking the question: “What will happen if you wet the manta ray?”, you need to understand what other factors to exclude. Should be considered:

  • what clothes are best for the child to wear after the test;
  • what detergents can be used;
  • Is it possible to go for a walk after mantu?

To avoid damaging the sample, it is best to choose items made from natural soft fabrics. Rough wool or denim clothing can chafe your baby's skin. Even in children's gels and shampoos, there are many dyes, fragrances and chemical additives. Baby soap is better for hygiene.

Consequences of a wet Mantoux test

If a child has been tested for tuberculosis, this does not mean that he needs to be locked up at home and deprived of the pleasure of walking in the fresh air. It is better if the child walks under supervision. He should not be allowed to play in the sandbox or ride on a children's slide. At this time, you need to keep your child busy with something useful and interesting. Suitable events:

  • going to the zoo;
  • bike ride in the park;
  • kite flying and others.

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To further protect the injection site, it is best to dress your child in a cotton shirt or long-sleeve T-shirt.

The question of how many days not to wet the manta ray and protect your hand is easily resolved. It is necessary to remember the words of the pediatrician that the onset of the reaction will occur within 48-72 hours. After three or four days, you can completely stop worrying and return to your usual way of life.

Indications for the Mantoux test

The Mantoux test is performed to diagnose tuberculosis.

Children vaccinated against tuberculosis:

The Mantoux test (Intradermal allergy test with tuberculin) is performed once a year, regardless of the results of previous tests, at the age of 1 to 7 years inclusive.

For children not vaccinated against tuberculosis (children who have not been vaccinated with BCG), the Mantoux test is performed 2 times a year starting at the age of 6 months

Children not vaccinated against tuberculosis:

The Mantoux test is performed - 2 times a year, starting from the age of 6 months, the Mantoux test is performed.

What to do if a child’s mantu is wetted

What can happen if you wet the injection site? According to some doctors, getting water on the vaccine can cause an infection and cause swelling and hyperemia. In this case, the test will raise doubts and re-vaccination will be prescribed.

The same consequences can be caused by careless handling of the injection site. In addition to the patch and washcloth, clothing made from rough or woolen fabrics can cause irritation and redness. It is necessary to avoid skin friction in this area.

How many days not to wash after Mantoux?

Many parents begin to really panic if they accidentally washed their child carelessly, wetting the test site. It is necessary to stop being nervous and calm down, and then visually monitor the state of the vaccination. When the “button” becomes larger than 0.5 cm, acquires a red tint, and the skin around it changes color significantly, you must inform the doctor that your hand has been wet. This is displayed in the child's medical record to indicate the potential for false results. However, such cases are rare and getting water on the manta does not affect its results.

During this period, attention is paid to the hygiene of the child’s hands. Even if your child does not take a daily bath, he should wash his hands regularly, especially paying attention to his fingers. Nails should be kept clean at all times, but especially at this time. Dirt under the nails is removed carefully. Children involuntarily pull their hands to scratch the injection site. The child's hands must be clean to prevent infection. It is not difficult to follow the recommendations. By following them, parents will be calm that no extraneous factors will change the test readings.

What it is

The Mantoux test was developed in 1908 by Dr. Charles Mantoux, 18 years after the discovery of the tuberculin extract itself. He was the first to propose injecting tuberculin serum into the skin and assessing the interaction of the components with the individual human immune system.

Doctor Komarovsky about the Mantoux test

The name tuberculin defines the general concept of extracts from various groups of mycobacteria tuberculosis (tuberculosis, bovis and avium). Various variants of concentrates allow diagnostics of both humans and animals, such as cattle. The most common variant of the substance was purified tuberculin (PPD or in its full form “purified protein derivative”), represented by a combination of various groups of filtrates of human and animal mycobacterial cultures.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, there are a number of contraindications for Mantoux, the main ones being:

  • Infectious diseases in the acute phase.
  • Polyvalent allergy.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Quarantine in a child care facility.

Today, pediatricians have an alternative in their arsenal - Diaskintest. It can also be carried out for diagnostic purposes to identify immunity to tuberculosis infection.

How do you feel about mandatory vaccination?

  • Positively, it prevents many diseases. 60%, 2641 votes
    2641 votes 60%

    2641 votes - 60% of all votes

  • Negatively, these are all government schemes to make it easier to manage us. 26%, 1157 votes

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    1157 votes - 26% of all votes

  • Neutral, I don’t think it has any effect on my health. 13%, 592 votes

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January 17, 2018


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Interesting information

The method had many disadvantages, in particular, for the penetration of tuberculin it was necessary to inflict small wounds, in other words, scratch the skin at the site of application of the drug. The contribution of Clemens Pirquet to the history of tuberculosis diagnosis cannot be underestimated. This outstanding allergist laid the foundation for Charles Mantoux's method, which made it possible, in principle, to detect in the early stages a disease then called consumption and which killed hundreds of thousands of people every year.

The method of applying tuberculin directly to the skin and into wounds made with a scarifier, of course, required minimizing external influences to avoid incorrect results and accidental infection. Contact of water directly on the area where the sample was carried out meant washing away a certain amount of the drug, which did not contribute to the necessary course of the reaction. The method of intradermal administration of tuberculin, developed by Mantoux, abolished many of the restrictions imposed when performing the Pirquet test. The method is a thing of the past, but the myth that you cannot wet the sample area for some time remains. In fact, you can wet Mantu, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

Alarming results

Sometimes parents are faced with a situation where a test that was previously always negative turns positive (and there was no BCG vaccination). In medicine, this phenomenon is called the “tuberculin test turn.” If it occurs, this may mean that the child has become infected with a tuberculosis bacillus. The child will be scheduled for a consultation with a TB doctor, an x-ray of the lungs will be required and additional tests will be performed, after which the child will be prescribed treatment.

Is it possible to wash after mantu Komarovsky

Infection with a dangerous disease can also be suspected if the Mantoux test, after a positive result (after BCG vaccination), gradually decreased annually, and then suddenly increased sharply (it was 5 mm, became 9 mm). Such changes in the size of the papules are also grounds for additional examination and treatment if necessary.

If over the course of 4-5 years the Mantoux test remains pronounced (more than 12 mm in transverse measurement), this may also indicate the development of pulmonary tuberculosis.

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