“Kissing disease”: is there a vaccine against mononucleosis and when can vaccination be carried out after the disease?

Infectious mononucleosis, caused by a virus from the herpesvirus family, is experienced by slightly more than half of people in childhood and adolescence. Statistics say: nine out of ten adults have Epstein-Barr virus DNA in their blood; apparently, many people suffer from infectious mononucleosis in a latent form.

Our expert in this field:

Nagibina Margarita Vasilievna

Infectious disease doctor, doctor of medical sciences, professor

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Why was infectious mononucleosis previously called Filatov's disease?

More than 130 years ago, children’s doctor Filatov thought of combining the symptoms of inflammation of the lymphoid organs into one disease, “idiopathic inflammation of the cervical glands,” and 4 years after that, the German Pfeiffer called the same combination of symptoms “glandular fever.”

A quarter of a century later, a completely “new” disease, infectious mononucleosis, was discovered, and a little later its discoverers realized that it had already been described under other names. In the USSR, they preferred to call the infection Filatov’s disease, emphasizing priority, but later they joined the international nomenclature.


The causative agent of the disease, after entering the body through the nasopharynx, enters the blood. Under its influence, some inflammatory changes occur in the lymphoid tissue and, accordingly, almost all groups of lymph nodes, as well as the liver and spleen, enlarge. A sore throat begins to develop. Atypical cells—mononuclear cells—appear in the peripheral blood, and the number of lymphocytes increases significantly. Immunity in infectious mononucleosis develops quite stable, no recurrent diseases have been recorded.

Infectious mononucleosis in adults

Transmitted by a sick person or a healthy virus carrier, the Epstein-Barr virus infects immune cells - B lymphocytes and lymphoid organs: tonsils, lymph nodes, spleen and liver. On the surface of their cells there are special receptors that the virus needs to invade.

The disease is accompanied by symptoms of intoxication, and in most cases ends after a month or two with complete recovery, which, however, cannot be felt soon, since weakness and malaise continue to bother you for a long time.

If an adult becomes infected with infectious mononucleosis, the disease is more severe than in childhood, or milder and even with virtually no clinical manifestations. Atypical forms often occur, especially with age-related decreases in immunity, for example, this is typical for HIV-infected people.

Immune disorders as a result of infection can be superimposed on an age-related decrease in defenses, which is manifested by prolonged fever and intoxication in the absence of characteristic symptoms.

At the International Clinic Medica24, an individual approach is applied to each patient based on clinical recommendations from the world's leading medical centers, which allows for optimal results to be achieved in a short time.

The virus damages lymphocytes that are found in the lymph nodes, tonsils, spleen and liver, so all the symptoms of infectious mononucleosis develop in these organs, and the temperature reflects the severity of inflammation.

A disease with clinical manifestations of no more than 3 months is designated as an acute infection, if the disease lasts up to six months - protracted infectious mononucleosis, more than six months - chronic. If, after the disappearance of all manifestations, clinical signs of the disease reappear almost after recovery a month later, then this is a relapse and the disease will most likely take a chronic course.

Recovery after illness

How long will it take for full recovery? This is not such a quick process and the timing of discharge from the hospital, as well as the full restoration of working capacity in adults, as well as the ability of children to go to school or preschool, are determined by clinical indications. As a rule, when deciding on discharge, the doctor pays attention to the following points:

  • body temperature indicators;
  • disappearance of plaque from the tonsils;
  • normalization of the volumes of the spleen and liver.

However, even if all these indicators are within the normal range, but polyadenopathy and mononuclear cells in the blood persist, this is a serious obstacle to discharge from the hospital. Therefore, the answer to the question at what point is admission to the team possible is clear: after a complete recovery.

In cases where residual changes in the composition of the peripheral blood persist, the patient remains under clinical observation for 6 months to a year. In addition, for such persons a control blood test is required, which is carried out, respectively, after 6 and 12 months. If general weakness is observed in both adults and children, then immunoglobulin is administered according to medical indications.

What are the symptoms of infectious mononucleosis?

The incubation period from the introduction of the Epstein-Barr virus to the development of the disease is one to one and a half months, during which there are no manifestations of infection.

Incubation ends with the beginning of the prodromal period, when the patient feels manifestations of viral intoxication: weakness and fatigue, muscle pain. At this stage there are no characteristic signs; all manifestations are inherent in any viral infection. This continues for one or two weeks.

The first signs of infectious mononucleosis occur acutely with fever, sore throat and swollen lymph nodes. All manifestations appear gradually over a week, last for a total of two weeks to a month and regress. Malaise may persist for several months after all manifestations of the infection have disappeared.

If a disease occurs, you must immediately contact an infectious disease doctor who is available for consultations without weekends or holidays at the international clinic Medica24. Early initiation of therapy will avoid irreparable consequences.

Main reasons

There is only one cause of infectious mononucleosis – the Epstein-Barr virus. It can be contracted after contact with a sick person. Since virus particles are stored in the saliva of the carrier, the main method of transmission is airborne droplets.

You can catch the virus by sharing household items with an infected carrier. Transmission often occurs through sexual contact, as well as through kissing, unwashed hands, dishes, etc.

In some cases, the virus is transmitted at the time of blood transfusion, as well as from mother to baby during pregnancy.

The most susceptible to the disease are people with weakened immune systems, an acute lack of adequate sleep and a balanced diet.

What symptoms appear in the first week?

Inflammation of the tonsils develops in the first days and lasts for two weeks, and can vary in severity - from catarrhal to ulcerative necrotizing tonsillitis. A characteristic symptom is a significant enlargement of the tonsils, a bright red mucous membrane of the soft palate with a uvula, and millet-like enlarged follicles are visible on the back wall of the pharynx.

The second characteristic symptom is that the lymph nodes on the neck and back of the head symmetrically enlarge, but in weakened adults with infectious mononucleosis, all peripheral lymph nodes may enlarge, and in severe cases, internal lymph nodes as well. They are dense and painful when touched.

Every tenth person develops a rash at the end of the first week; this symptom does not have any special differences; the rash can last about a week, fade and peel off. In half of the cases, there is a connection between the occurrence of skin symptoms in infectious mononucleosis and treatment with certain antibiotics.

Only a qualified specialist with extensive diagnostic capabilities can quickly make a differential diagnosis and identify the cause of the pathological condition, and all this is possible at the diagnostic medical center International Clinic Medica24.

Treatment methods for mononucleosis

Treatment of mononucleosis in children is carried out by a pediatrician. In acute cases of the disease, you should call a doctor at home.

There are no specific treatments for mononucleosis. Antiviral drugs, corticosteroids and immunomodulators are prescribed only for severe cases of the disease. Antibiotics are used in case of bacterial infection.

Treatment of mononucleosis is carried out according to a scheme common to many acute respiratory viral infections.

Drink plenty of fluids

To reduce intoxication of the body, you need plenty of warm drink.

Symptomatic treatment

At temperatures above 38.5°C, antipyretic drugs are used. If symptoms of tonsillitis occur, antiseptics are prescribed. Gargling is recommended.

Diet correction

Since mononucleosis can occur with liver damage, a diet limiting fatty, spicy and fried foods is recommended (table No. 5).

Taking vitamin supplements

For mononucleosis, vitamin therapy (vitamins B, C and P) is indicated.

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Clinical picture in the second or third week of infectious mononucleosis

In half of the patients, the spleen enlarges, usually from the second week of infection, and lasts until the end of the disease. At the same time, the liver enlarges and its functions suffer. In biochemical analysis, liver enzymes increase several times. A disorder of bilirubin metabolism is manifested by jaundice and itchy skin, but this is a rare and quickly passing symptom. Mainly concerned about weakness and indigestion, with lack of appetite. An enlarged spleen and liver is called hepatosplenomegaly.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of infectious mononucleosis do not appear immediately: the incubation period can range from 5 to 45 days. In some cases, the patient may notice the following primary symptoms:

  • general physical malaise;
  • weakness in the body, loss of strength;
  • mild nasal congestion.

Gradually, the manifestations increase in intensity, and the following symptoms are added:

    Infectious mononucleosis

  • increase in body temperature to 37.6 degrees on the thermometer;
  • a sore throat;
  • enlarged tonsils and lymph nodes.

After some time, the patient notices:

  • high fever;
  • headache;
  • body aches;
  • acute pain in the throat when swallowing.

If you consult a doctor, he may pay attention to an increase in the size of the spleen and liver and symptoms of follicular, catarrhal or ulcerative necrotizing tonsillitis. These include enlarged tonsils, a yellowish coating on the walls of the throat, and mild bleeding is possible.

Infectious mononucleosis in children is similar in its manifestations to this disease in adults, differing only in the increased rate of development.

After the liver and spleen enlarge, they immediately signal this by yellowing the eye sclera and skin, as well as the darker color of the patient’s urine. Skin rashes accompanied by mild itching may occur.

Are you experiencing symptoms of infectious mononucleosis?

Only a doctor can accurately diagnose the disease. Don't delay your consultation - call

What “wrong” variants of the course of the disease are possible in adults?

In patients weakened by chronic diseases and elderly patients, the visceral form may develop, when the virus affects internal organs, including the heart and kidneys, as well as the nervous system. In the worst case scenario, multiple organ failure develops.

But still, an erased form is more often possible, when infectious mononucleosis occurs under the guise of a mild viral respiratory infection or with no symptoms at all - an asymptomatic option, when only tests indicate the disease, and the person does not have any clinical manifestations.

For infectious diseases, the international clinic Medica24 uses the most effective domestic and foreign treatment methods, which can significantly improve the quality of life of our patients, maintain their activity and prevent the process from becoming chronic. Seek help from an infectious disease specialist, call

The cause of infectious mononucleosis is a virus from a small but harmful group of herpes viruses. Its number 4 out of eight types and its proper name is Epstein-Barr virus.

During reproduction on its surface, the viral agent manages to synthesize more than 70 different proteins. Different protein components are produced at different periods of life; today they have even learned to use them to determine the period of life of a pathogenic agent, and with it the stage of the disease. All these products are synthesized for a reason, but to facilitate penetration, improve survival and reproduction, and of course, to protect against the host itself.

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Author: child psychologist of Children's Medical Center "Tiger Cub" Mar A. D.

Between the ages of three and six, children begin to be concerned with the most important questions of human existence: questions of life, love and death. Paradoxically, it seems that children ask such questions much more often than we adults do in our everyday lives. Love and death are what seriously worries your little philosophers now, and you cannot avoid discussing such serious topics. Surely, some questions will confuse you or seem too frank, but it is important to understand that right now the foundations of the child’s worldview are being laid and your explanations are really significant for him. When faced with any events related to birth, love experiences, illness, death, the child experiences confusion, finding no explanation for what is happening to him and his loved ones. It is important for him to know that his parents understand this and are able to intelligently and simply answer the questions that concern him.

When I grow up, I will marry my mother (I will marry my father)!

Most children between the ages of three and six make this statement to one of their parents. Such a belief may arise in a child during the process of experiencing an Oedipal situation. During this period, the child typically experiences attraction to the parent of the opposite sex, while at the same time feeling hostility towards the parent of the same sex, whom he perceives as a rival. The answer here should be clear: no. Eliminate any ambiguity: for the normal emotional development of your child, it is necessary that he come to terms with the real state of affairs. Tell him that you love him very much, and you know how much he loves you, but he (she) cannot marry his mother or marry his father. This is prohibited in all countries of the world. You cannot marry your brother or uncle, marry your sister or aunt, etc. But you shouldn’t go into details; your child is unlikely to be interested in discussions about bad heredity in incestuous marriages. Because now he is concerned about the possibility of undivided ownership of the parent of the opposite sex. Explain to the child that his mother and father are from different families that are not related, show photographs of his grandparents. Tell your child that as he grows up, he will also meet someone with whom he can start a family and have children. He will have a huge, almost unlimited choice. It's unlikely that this optimistic conclusion will comfort your child - but at least you will touch on an important topic that he can think about later.

Why can't I sleep with you?

Because the bedroom is a room reserved for parents. Explain to your child that you enjoy spending time with him during the day. But after he goes to bed, you need to be alone. Of course, such an answer will not please your baby. And the fact that you are having a good time without him will not console him, but rather will irritate him. But he will have to come to terms with this state of affairs, this is one of the stages of growing up, and he needs to go through it. Explain to your child that it is important for every person to be able to spend some time alone, and that one day this will no longer upset him. Try not to allow your child to unnecessarily violate your privacy: he needs to learn to let you go.

What are you doing in your room?

You hug, talk, share some important things with each other. If your child already knows what the expression “making love” means, you can tell him that you do this when you are alone. Perhaps the child will think that this is dishonest, that some part of the parents’ life is not relevant to him. But maybe he will be a little calmed down by the thought that his turn will come to kick the children out of the bedroom! Someday he will be a parent himself and will want to spend time with his loved one while the children sleep.

Where was I before I was in your tummy? Good question! It is difficult to explain to a child what an adult cannot imagine very well: he was nothing. He didn't exist. Tell your baby that before he was born, he was small parts of his mom and dad's body. When the parents decided that they wanted a child, their parts met each other and connected.

How did I get out of my tummy?

It will be easier for your child to understand you if, when talking about how children are born, you show him the corresponding pictures. There are many books on this topic, they are well illustrated and designed specifically for very young children. Draw his attention to the fact that nature has intelligently provided for everything. Since people appeared on earth, they have all been born in the same way, and this will always be the case. You should not tell incredible and scary stories about childbirth (for example, “the belly is cut open like the gray wolf from Little Red Riding Hood”). The child is not too interested in “how things happen”: he wants to know how he was born. Tell him how he really came into being. How he was in a hurry, getting out, or vice versa, he was in no hurry. How he screamed for the first time, how small he was and how wonderful. The first time you picked him up and held him to your chest. How happy you were - both you and his dad.

Dose out information. If you videotaped the birth, it's too early to show him the film! An overly naturalistic birth scene will only frighten the baby. Later, he himself will choose the right moment to compare his ideas with reality. In the meantime, it is enough to show him beautiful photographs that show how much joy his birth brought to his parents - it is important for the child to know this.

When I grow up, will I be a mom (or dad) too?

Yes, if you want. Explain to your child that his body already has everything he needs to later become a dad or mom. Therefore, he will be able to have children, together with someone or someone who wants it just like him. He will decide for himself whether he wants to have a child - just as you decided at one time.

A little anatomy lesson

If your explanations do not satisfy the child’s curiosity regarding the structure and role of the genital organs, you can show him pictures from a specialized children’s encyclopedia.
The boy will be able to see that in the male genital organ there is a canal ending with a hole. Through it he makes pee-wee, and later the seed will come out through it, which will serve for the birth of babies. You can even tell him that it will be produced in the testicles. The girl learns that she has two small holes: one for pee-pee, and the other associated with the birth of a child. Serious illness in the family
For any person, regardless of his age, the most difficult thing to experience is an event while remaining in the dark.
Usually, parents protect their children from negative information, being sure that they do not notice sad changes. The child feels severe anxiety, remaining “cut off” from the events happening in the family. He does not get the opportunity to adapt to a difficult situation, accept it, mobilize all his abilities in order to be ready to endure the test. If one of the family members is seriously ill, it is necessary to prepare the baby for a possible fatal outcome. Tell him that there is no way to overcome the disease. Comfort him by saying that, despite the pain, he will be able to face this with dignity. Help him survive the grief
You will not be able to hide the death of a loved one from your child, even if he does not immediately notice his absence, he will definitely feel your condition. Seeing you upset, he may think that he is the reason for your sadness. It is better to immediately inform the baby about what happened, and if he asks, then about the cause of death. Perhaps your child’s reaction will seem “cool” to you. This is not insensitivity; it is difficult for him to grasp the reality of this event. In addition, a small child does not yet have the experience of “grieving”; he does not know how grief manifests itself. And if you try to be restrained in front of him and do not show tears, he will consider that it is customary to express sad feelings in this way. Don't hide your sadness so your child can grieve with you. Alone, it will be much more difficult for him to experience the absence of a loved one. Do not put a taboo on this topic; on the contrary, talk about it, remember it together - this will help the child accept the death of a loved one.

Will I ever grow old too?

Yes, like all people. We grow, mature and get old. Everyone goes through all stages of life. One day we will be the same age as our parents; then as long as my grandparents were. But this happens gradually: childhood, youth, maturity and old age replace each other and he will not miss a single stage. If he asks you about what happens after old age, do not be afraid to tell him that at the end of the life cycle a person dies, and he will die too. Perhaps this is exactly what your child wants to know.

Do old people always get sick?

Some older people remain in great shape, while others gradually become weaker. It depends on so many things. Perhaps your child will have his own version of why some are cheerful in both body and soul, while others are not so much. Of course, the “mechanism” wears out over time. But even in old age you can love life and enjoy it. By asking such questions, the child tries to imagine what his parents will be like when they grow old, and perhaps he thinks about the “decline” of his life.

What does it mean to “die”?

Most parents find it difficult to talk about this with their children. We would prefer that the child think about the finitude of life as late as possible. But it is completely natural for a child to be interested in such important things, the existence of which he had no idea before. Some children ask this question if someone close to them has passed away. Some thus express their concern for their parents. All children hope that their parents will always be there. In addition, every child is already a little familiar with death: a crushed beetle on the path, falling leaves. Little by little he will begin to see the similarities between the withering of nature and the aging of man. If you clearly and calmly say that death is inevitable, it will be easier for the child to come to terms with it. On the contrary, if you avoid the topic, he will likely become worried. People die when their life ends. His life is just beginning. It is better to avoid the flowery explanation that to die is to “sleep eternal sleep.” Such wording may alarm the child and deprive him of sleep. How can you sleep here if you can’t wake up!

When they die, is it forever?

Kids are ready to believe that a dead person can come back to life. They are not at all surprised when the main character of the cartoon is miraculously revived. And they themselves “killed” each other hundreds of times, playing “war games”, and then got back to their feet. In real life, death is irreversible; we will no longer see the person who left us. Now this person will live only in our memory, in our heart.

Will you die before me?

Of course, your child is afraid of losing you, your love, it is difficult for him to imagine that someday he will be able to do without you. You will have to tell him that this is most likely what will happen, and this is normal: older people die earlier than younger ones. And you are certainly older than him - after all, you are his parents. But this will not happen soon! You have not yet reached the end of your life, and hope to spend many more joyful days, months and years in his company.

Do little children die too?

The fear of death worries most children.
Almost all children's fears are just a reflection of the fear of non-existence. But be that as it may, you have to admit that sometimes this does happen. There are exceptions to the natural routine of life. Accidents, diseases, wars lead to premature death, and children can also be among the victims. What happens to a person after death?
Usually this metaphysical question arises later than all the others. The child has formed an idea of ​​the human life cycle, and is now interested in a question to which we cannot give a “scientific” answer. Explain the difference between body and soul. What happens to the body must be honestly told: it is buried in the ground or burned (before dying, the person himself decides how he will be buried). As for the soul, it is better that your explanations are related to the beliefs that are held in your family. When a child grows up, he will be able to form his own opinion about the afterlife, or lack thereof. In the meantime, it is important for him to know that you have some idea about this and are ready to share with him. In addition, emphasize that, be that as it may, after death a person remains to live in the memory and hearts of the people who remember him.

How does the infectious mononucleosis virus enter cells?

The cause of the development of infectious mononucleosis is the penetration of the pathogen into the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. Mucosal cells and B-lymphocytes have a special receptor, and the virus attaches to it. It also clings to white blood cells.

Special immune cells - cytotoxic - swallow B-lymphocytes affected by the virus and digest them, releasing many biologically active substances that cause fever and intoxication in the infected patient. There is an assumption that it is these substances that cause liver damage, forming the clinical symptoms of infectious mononucleosis.

At the medical center of the International Clinic Medica24, high-precision equipment is used to conduct round-the-clock examinations; quick and error-free diagnosis allows you to begin treatment immediately, including on holidays and weekends.

Possible complications

Infectious mononucleosis in adults and especially children cannot be ignored, as it is fraught with complications:

  • remaining in the patient’s body, the virus periodically causes a recurrence of the disease;
  • there is a high probability of developing an infection - streptococcal or staphylococcal. When entering a weakened body, bacteria provide a particularly aggressive manifestation;
  • meningoencephalitis is a serious neurological disease affecting the cerebral substance of the brain;
  • enlarged tonsils can cause difficulty breathing and obstruction of the upper respiratory tract;
  • as a complication of infectious mononucleosis in children, hepatitis and lung infiltration are possible;
  • thrombocytopenia - in extremely rare cases.

Why do relapses of infectious mononucleosis develop?

The intracellular residence of a pathogenic particle protects it from the effects of the immune system, which causes the formation of a chronic infection with constant carriage. There are few B-lymphocytes populated by particles, but at the slightest suppression of the immune system, they immediately begin to multiply. The cause of relapse of the disease is the division of viral DNA with the formation of new chains and the subsequent formation of new viral particles, which leads to the death of the host cell. And then the whole process goes in a new circle.

Only a qualified infectious disease doctor with extensive diagnostic capabilities can quickly make a differential diagnosis and identify the cause of the pathological condition, and all this is possible in the international clinic Medica24.

How dangerous is the chronic form of infectious mononucleosis?

Epstein-Barr is the cause of the development of every hundredth malignant lymphoma, because two of its strains living inside B-lymphocytes reprogram blood cells for malignant transformation. Like all its herpetic counterparts, the virus lives in a person for life; it configures blood B-lymphocytes for uncontrolled reproduction, turning off the program of natural cell death after completion of the normal life cycle. With a decrease in immunity, already realized by T-lymphocytes, in which Epstein-Barr is also involved, obstacles to cancerous degeneration are eliminated.

Acute infectious mononucleosis resolves in most people. To prevent the disease from becoming chronic, the help of a highly qualified infectious disease specialist who knows the clinical problem is necessary. The international clinic Medica24 has the necessary equipment and, most importantly, doctors of all specialties who are interested in the recovery of patients. Get a consultation with a doctor at the Moscow Infectious Diseases Clinic, make an appointment by calling +7 (495) 230-00-01

Infectious mononucleosis has a clear and specific picture, but HIV, toxoplasmosis and cytomegalovirus infection can masquerade as it, so laboratory diagnosis is mandatory. By detecting antibodies to the Epstein-Barr virus, the course of the acute process is monitored, a chronic disease and a latent infection are identified.

How else is infectious mononucleosis diagnosed?

When a pathogenic agent is introduced into a lymphocyte, it begins to produce many nonspecific antibodies, synthesizing everything it can, including rheumatoid factor and cold immunoglobulin. These products, called heterophilic Paul-Bunnell antibodies, are also involved in diagnosis; they will completely disappear in six months or less.

When their level increases to 1: 224, infectious mononucleosis is confirmed in half of the patients in the first two weeks of the disease; by the end of the month they are detected in almost all. If they were not found during the first examination, the examination is repeated a week later.

Specialists from the international clinic Medica24 will conduct an examination, identify the main cause of the pathology in the shortest possible time and make the correct diagnosis.

What “diagnostic substances” does the infectious mononucleosis virus produce?

After introduction, the viral particle produces the substance it needs for reproduction - early antigen (EA), to which antibodies are generated in the human body in the form of immunoglobulins M (IgM) and G (IgG).

Next, the virus begins to produce unique antigens from pieces of its genome. They trigger the production of special antibodies in the sick body, which are detected during laboratory diagnostics and the course of the disease is monitored based on their level. These are antibodies to the VCA viral capsule, its MA membrane, and the EBNA core.

If antibodies to VCA are absent, and the clinical manifestations are completely consistent with mononucleosis, then the infection is caused by toxoplasma or cytomegalovirus. All doubts are rechecked after a week; if they do not dissipate, then the reaction is considered negative.

Specialists at the Infection Center at the International Clinic Medica24 always take into account not only the individual characteristics of the disease, but the capabilities and interests of each patient, so that diagnosis and treatment are as comfortable as possible.

What should you do if someone in the family gets infectious mononucleosis?

  • Separate the patient from other family members.
  • When interacting with a sick person, wear a protective mask, change it every 2 hours, and wash your hands up to the elbows.
  • The patient is prescribed strict bed rest for a week. Provide personal utensils and everything that is required for care, preferably disposable.
  • Treat all external mucous membranes with antiseptics at least three times a day to prevent bacteria and fungi from joining the inflammation.

The infectious disease specialist at the international clinic Medica24, having a broad clinical horizon, has at his disposal the most modern diagnostic equipment, performs complex tests, which affects the patient’s favorable prognosis. Sign up for a consultation by phone


There are no specific treatments. With a mild course of the disease, you can limit yourself to a home regimen and vitamins. In some cases, antibiotics may be prescribed. In general, the treatment complex is aimed at purposefully relieving the symptoms of intoxication of the body.

During the illness, the victim is prescribed rest and bed rest. In order to reduce the risk of splenic rupture, patients are strictly prohibited from lifting weights or engaging in heavy physical labor (for example, sports) for a month after illness.

What complications occur with infectious mononucleosis?

The most common is the addition of bacterial flora, when, for example, a viral infection of the pharyngeal tonsils flows into a bacterial purulent-necrotic sore throat.

Complications from the organs are quite rare; it can be damage to the nervous system in the form of meningitis. As a rule, this is possible in elderly and weakened patients in the first week of illness. Neurological manifestations may be the only symptom of the disease; in most cases, they disappear without a trace.

In very rare cases, it is possible to develop hemolytic anemia, a critical decrease in the number of leukocytes - neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, probably due to damage to the bone marrow by the virus.

Infectious diseases specialists at the international clinic Medica24, during a comprehensive examination, identify risk factors and objective causes that can lead to the development of adverse complications, which makes it possible to begin preventive measures.

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