Consultation for parents: “Vaccinations: pros and cons”


Vaccinal prevention

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Just a few years ago, vaccination was a mandatory event and a compelling reason was required to refuse vaccination. It was possible not to get vaccinated only for serious medical reasons. At the moment, a lot of information is freely available, including information against vaccinations. Before a scheduled visit to a medical office, the question increasingly arises: should I get vaccinated? Is it really necessary?

Vaccination is the administration of a medicine in a small dose to prevent contracting a disease or reduce its manifestations. Vaccination can be carried out using antigens:

  • weakened living strains of microbes;
  • proteins or other parts of microbes;
  • inactivated microbes;
  • synthetic components.

After the vaccine is introduced into the body, antibodies are formed that prevent the disease from developing in the event of a crisis situation.

Some vaccines protect the body for several years. For a number of diseases, you can be vaccinated once for life.

It is important to understand that vaccination protects people from viral diseases. If the majority of the population is vaccinated, the transfer of viruses between carriers is significantly more difficult or eliminated. As a result, both vaccinated and unvaccinated are protected. The more the population is vaccinated, the lower the risk of contracting the disease and the higher the effectiveness of the vaccine. Ideally, at least 95% of the population should be vaccinated against the disease.

The benefits of vaccinations

Vaccinations protect the body from diseases that can be fatal. For example, the consequences of measles are disability in 5% of cases, and death in 1% of cases.

Vaccination against smallpox and polio significantly increased life expectancy. Without a tetanus shot, any abrasion or scratch would have serious consequences, especially in childhood.

It is vitally important to be vaccinated against whooping cough, tuberculosis, polio, mumps, hepatitis B, and rubella.

For hepatitis

So, the hepatitis B vaccine is given on the first day. Whether to do it or not can be decided based on the condition of the child at the time of birth. The doctor suggests vaccinating only if everything is fine with the child (good is 8–9, even 7–9 points on the Apgar scale). If the child's condition is not satisfactory, doctors will not offer vaccination or will offer it later when the baby's condition improves. What is hepatitis B? This is a viral inflammation of the liver, which is transmitted through the blood: modern research methods cannot always determine the presence of hepatitis B in a donor. Hepatitis “B” is a very contagious disease, it can be contracted in a manicure salon and when visiting a dentist, not to mention a blood transfusion - this is despite the fact that all instruments at dentists or surgeons are seriously sterilized (hundredths of milliliters of blood are enough - the amount , not detectable by the eye). The hepatitis B vaccine is a molecule synthesized through genetic engineering that exactly replicates one of the hepatitis B antigens, so there is no need to be afraid that the child will become infected with hepatitis B. This vaccine is very necessary; you need to be vaccinated against hepatitis B. The vaccination is done according to the 0-1-6 scheme: today, a month from today, and six months from today. There are other types of hepatitis, for example, hepatitis A, which is not prone to chronicity and is transmitted only as a food poisoning: with water and food. Very often it passes under the guise of acute respiratory infections or poisoning without pronounced jaundice. I do not see the need for mandatory vaccination to prevent hepatitis A, although such a vaccine exists. It is important for people living in countries with poor water supply, for example, in Central Asia. If we are talking about the need to reduce the vaccine load, then we should not try to get vaccinated against hepatitis A. Nothing protects you from hepatitis C - there is no vaccine, and fortunately, it is not so contagious.

Voluntariness of vaccinations

The Ministry of Health has developed a National Vaccination Calendar. The document was drawn up taking into account the developmental characteristics of children of each year of life and adults; it shows the timing of vaccination. However, in some cases it is reasonable to deviate from the schedule. For example, if you have a cold, you should absolutely not get vaccinated. The vaccine should only be administered to a healthy body.

Vaccination according to the calendar is voluntary: if you wish, you can refuse to administer a particular vaccine by writing a corresponding statement at the clinic at the place of attachment.

Adults can also get vaccinated at their own discretion. For employees in certain areas of activity, some vaccines will be mandatory.

And this also applies to immunity.

There are a lot of myths among supporters and opponents of vaccinations regarding vaccinations. As soon as a complication arises, they shout that vaccinations are genocide, that officials want the population to be unhealthy. It doesn’t seem to me that anyone is specifically vaccinating weakened children, but in our country, as in any other, anything in the world can happen: if street cleaners don’t work well, then it’s strange to expect that everything will be in other areas ok, we have chaos everywhere! The problem of the modern doctor, his callousness, often hard-heartedness, lack of an individual approach is the problem of society as a whole, which has lost Christian ideals, and not of immunology and privisia. The other side is shouting that everyone needs to be vaccinated. Arguments on both sides are both scientific and quasi-scientific. Unconditional acceptance of all possible vaccines is one extreme: we cannot ensure that everything in a child’s life is good through vaccination; there will always be a certain risk. There is another extreme: “Let’s not vaccinate against anything, the whole world is living wrong, we need to return to nature.” Having heard about possible complications, some parents try to “protect” their children from vaccinations, believing that the disease will bypass them: “Let others get vaccinated, and we will be marzipans who will skim the cream off this!” The position is a little rotten: after all, vaccination works when everyone is vaccinated. It is one thing when they do not vaccinate children who have contraindications, or when they do not trust vaccination; it is another thing when they believe that the child will not encounter an infection. There is an old Gabrovo joke: in one village, due to lack of money, the teacher and he agreed to pay for school with rakia (vodka) - two buckets from each yard. When they poured everything into one barrel and tried it, it turned out to be water, everyone thought that their two buckets of water would not spoil the good vodka! So that we don’t end up in this situation with vaccinations, we want our child to be protected from infection, but by someone else’s hands, let others get vaccinated, then the virus won’t reach my child! Although there should be a moment of healthy suspicion: did they approach my child individually enough, did they think about the fact that he might have complications, did they think about contraindications. Parents, of course, need to read the literature, they need to be informed, but it is difficult to make a decision on their own - this requires medical education. First of all, I advise you to find a pediatrician and trust him: the specialist has specific knowledge that the patient does not possess. I do not undertake to criticize anyone: everyone has the right to their opinion, after all, this is not such a fundamental point as giving birth at home or in a hospital. You can be vaccinated against nothing, you can be vaccinated against everything - only God knows what will happen to you!

Consequences of refusing vaccinations

Unvaccinated children and adults have a significantly higher risk of the disease, as well as the likelihood of a more severe form of its course. In addition, an unvaccinated child will not be able to attend a child care facility if quarantine is declared in the group. Sometimes forced holidays drag on for several months. If another child in a children's group has received a dose of oral polio vaccine, the unvaccinated child will also not be allowed to be nearby.

You need to be especially careful about hygiene. In adulthood, this is much easier than in a children's group.

Tips for parents

Of course, it would be better to look at a clinical blood test, which, by the way, almost no one does, they vaccinate everyone! - and this is still a live vaccine, but if there is no way to test it, then in the absence of contraindications - the child is healthy and has not been sick for the last month, does not have an exacerbation of chronic diseases at the time of injection, children 13-15 years old can be safely vaccinated. The years will pass unnoticed, and childbearing age will come very soon, it is better to take care of this before the age of 15. After this, immunity is believed to last for life, there is a lot of evidence for this. I understand that sometimes a vaccine is what the companies that produce it want to make money on. A fire is fanned around an absolutely insignificant reason. It is impossible to vaccinate a child against everything for which vaccines exist without harming his health. In addition, there are no contraindications for a healthy child to get sick, for example, with the flu: in ten to twenty years the same virus will return, and the person will already have a strong immunity to it. Let the child get sick, because during illness he grows as a person and begins to understand a lot about himself. Some parents try to vaccinate their child against everything; for some reason it seems to them that then everything will be fine with their child. We don't have such a guarantee! As the Lord decides, so it will be: if this is His plan, what should happen will happen, and in general, if you want to make God laugh, tell Him about your plans. Well, you can’t put straws everywhere! It is widely believed that there is a general weakening of immunity due to vaccinations. I would say that linking a decrease in immunity with vaccination can only be done at the level of intuition. In fact, there are no such studies - they are impossible to organize: there are no comparable groups of children with the same health indicators, living in the same conditions, with the same eating style, etc. You can find many explanations for the decline in immunity in subsequent generations, and when there are many of them, as a rule, the true reason is not known. So, for example, in the old days many children were born into families, but the population did not grow much: there was a high infant mortality rate, and those who survived both childbirth (at that time it was a huge risk) and a childhood infection were strong. Now everyone survives in our country - and this is the happiness of a particular family at the expense of the health of the entire population. For better or worse, we cannot help but treat children for scarlet fever. Natural selection does not work in the population beyond the first trimester: in the first trimester there are pregnancy losses, in the second there are few, and in the third, during childbirth, there are almost none; this is a rare case of mortality in childbirth.

Further, the eating style has changed. It must be said that there are a lot of different bacteria in our intestines, and we do not live with them separately, but in symbiosis, like a tree and a mushroom: the bacteria we feed live there. And if we eat a lot of sweets, we weaken good bacteria, dysbiosis develops in the intestines, which causes many links in our immunity to become short-circuited. So, in terms of consumption of sweets, the eating style has changed dramatically: if a hundred years ago sweets were a holiday food, and the average European ate 3.5 - 4 kg of sugar per year, now - almost 20 times more: somewhere around 60 kg of sugar, including sugar-sweetened drinks, sweet fermented milk products, etc. - sugar everywhere! Many people's daily diet now includes recreational eating: we are not hungry, but we have fun by eating sweets, food has become a pleasure. And the fact that there is much more sweet in the diet affects the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and the condition of the skin, for example, acne has aged. If earlier this was a pathology for 12-17 year olds, now we are offered a lot of cosmetics for aging skin that is prone to acne - acne occurs in women of fifty years of age. This is not due to changes in hormonal status - stop eating sweets, treat intestinal dysbiosis, the skin will become better.

Vaccination safety

If you get vaccinated taking into account the recommendations of doctors, it will not cause harm to your health. Compliance with the rules for preparing for vaccination, choosing a drug, as well as monitoring the condition for several days after vaccination will help maintain health.

The question of whether to vaccinate arises before every parent or adult. It is obvious that the benefits of vaccination significantly outweigh the harm and possible risks of complications.

You can create an individual vaccination calendar and consult with a specialist by calling the numbers listed on the contact page or filling out the application form on the website.

How to separate the truth and myths about vaccinations?

In short, any argument in favor of refusing vaccinations other than for individual medical reasons is a myth. But let’s look at the “hot seven” arguments of anti-vaccinators in more detail.

Myth 1. Many diseases do not require vaccination. They are only a consequence of poor sanitary conditions, so they disappeared in developed countries by themselves.

Yes, such diseases do exist, but not on the vaccination schedule. Diphtheria, measles, mumps, chickenpox and other dangerous diseases were common in dirty medieval cities, but they also feel great in modern cities. The anti-vaccination movement in Great Britain, Sweden and Japan in the 70s of the last century led to outbreaks of whooping cough with hundreds of thousands of cases of the disease in these quite sanitary countries.

This misfortune did not spare us either. In the 1990s, against the background of mass refusal to vaccinate, a diphtheria epidemic occurred in the countries of the former USSR, as a result of which more than 150 thousand people fell ill and more than 5 thousand people died.

Myth 2: Pharmaceutical companies lobby for vaccinations to make extra profits.

How many times does a person get vaccinated in his life? And how many take pills, give injections, apply ointments, buy medications on their own and implicitly pay for them from their health insurance? In 2010, WHO estimated the share of vaccine sales in the pharmaceutical industry's turnover at only 2-3%. So convincing people to get vaccinated is not a good business strategy. They generate income, but not nearly as fantastic as anti-vaxxers believe.

The whole truth about childhood vaccinations

Myth 3. Vaccines are dangerous to health. Many children who fell ill or died in infancy had been vaccinated several days or weeks earlier.

Any mathematician will immediately understand what is wrong with this statement. And he himself will compose a lot of similar ones. For example: many people who have been injured on ice had brushed their teeth within 24 hours prior. Or this: many motorcyclists involved in accidents used the Internet several hours before the accident. All these statements contain two parts: the first describes a random event, and the second speaks of regular, characteristic actions. And they are not connected to each other in any way.

The first year of a baby’s life is full of vaccinations, and, regardless of this, is a period of risk for SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). But this is nothing more than a coincidence: doctors do not consider vaccinations to be the cause of SIDS and have proven this more than once. Moreover, studies even show a decrease in the number of sudden infant deaths as vaccination coverage increases.

Myth 4. Vaccines place an increased burden on a fragile child’s body, and this is dangerous to health.

Immediately after birth, the child’s immune system is faced with a huge amount of pathogenic microflora. And, according to the most conservative estimates, it is capable of simultaneously coping with thousands of new viruses. Even complex vaccines, such as DTP or MMR, cannot put too much stress on the baby’s immune system.

Myth 5. The safety of vaccines is questionable due to their aluminum and mercury content.

These metals are contained in microscopic quantities in vaccines and are actually needed there. Recently, in order to dispel consumer doubts, manufacturers have been removing components that cause concern from the composition of drugs. For example, the mercury-containing preservative thimerosal was excluded from some vaccines, and then a study was conducted to determine how its presence or absence affects the baby’s health. It turned out that there is no difference.

The whole truth about childhood vaccinations

Myth 6: Vaccines cause autism.

This myth even has a specific author - British gastroenterologist Andrew Wakefield. In 1998, he wrote an article in which he argued that the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine can cause autism in a child. It soon became clear that Wakefield was sponsored by an anti-vaxxer organization, and the findings of his “research” were influencing people to buy a biological test produced by a company co-owned by Wakefield.

The point is not only that the author of the scandalous material hid his interest in the panic around MMR. The lack of connection between vaccination and autism has been convincingly proven by many studies.

Modern medicine and vaccination

Most arguments against the introduction of a drug are associated with outdated data , invalid experiments. Nowadays, drugs that were five years old are not used and such terrible complications should not be expected. The vast majority of stories about the dangers of vaccinations are simply unsubstantiated articles on the Internet that anyone can write. Disease prevention is necessary; it can significantly reduce mortality from dangerous diseases.

No modern vaccine can guarantee 100% protection against the virus, but it remains protective . Much better than not having it at all. Medicine of the 21st century is against refusal. If someone grew up healthy and strong without additional medications, this does not guarantee that ten others will not get sick. The toxicity of substances in current medications is minimal. It is much worse to treat a baby with antibiotics without taking care of early vaccination.

Before your baby's vaccination

Best protection

Today, many children suffer from poor health; most young townspeople can be classified as “frequently ill children.” In Soviet times, this characteristic served as a reason for medical exclusion from vaccinations. However, today you can hear the opposite opinion that weakened children should be vaccinated first. However, according to Galina Petrovna Chervonskaya, such statements are a real crime, because children with reduced immunity almost always experience negative reactions and complications. The child’s immunity is already weak, and vaccinations cause even more damage to him. Children of the first year of life deserve special attention, since even in children born at term, their own synthesis of protective immunoglobulins of class G begins only from 3 months of age. In addition, a number of children have a “late start”, so vaccination is strictly not recommended before 12 months, since not only the risk of side effects is increased, but also the possibility of developing an adequate response to the vaccine is significantly reduced. However, whether or not to vaccinate a child is a parent’s decision. However, it should be recalled that adults often trust doctors without trying to understand the essence of the medical procedures being performed, but it is worth getting complete information when it comes to health, especially of a small child. So, for example, many parents are afraid of polio, since pediatricians in clinics insist that the disease almost always leads to paralysis. But it is enough to look at the medical literature to find out that 95% of those infected with the natural polio virus will not show any symptoms, even in epidemic conditions. About 5% of those infected will have mild symptoms: sore throat, neck stiffness, headache and fever, often mistaken for a cold or flu. Such symptoms disappear without a trace within 72 hours. And only one sick person out of 1000 (and this disease is rare) may experience paralysis, which almost always passes without a trace. Interestingly, studies have shown that injections (of antibiotics or vaccines) increase susceptibility to polio. A 1992 study published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases found that children who received injections of the DPT (diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus) vaccine were significantly more susceptible than usual to paralytic forms of polio over the next thirty days. According to the authors, “This study confirms that injection is one of the main factors causing polio.” Also in 1992, the CDC published a proposal that live vaccine virus had become the leading cause of polio in the United States. In fact, based on the Center's data, all cases of polio in the United States since 1979 have been the result of oral polio vaccine. An independent review of government vaccination databases over a recent period of less than five years uncovered 13,641 reports of adverse reactions to the oral polio vaccine. Among them, there were 6,364 visits to hospital emergency departments and 540 deaths. Other diseases and vaccines can be subjected to similar analysis and study of data. And this is one of the important parental tasks. After all, it is not the doctors who will subsequently be responsible for the baby’s health, but the father and mother. The choice must be responsible and thoughtful, since today everyone has access to information.

About responsibility

Contraindications to vaccination

Today they are very few in number, but they still exist. Contraindications are:

  1. Severe progressive disease of the nervous system.
  2. An absolutely inadequate reaction to a previous vaccination is anaphylactic shock, a state of clinical death.

No complications after vaccinations in the child’s siblings or other family members are taken into account. Although it is logical to expect a similar negative reaction in the fourth child in the family, if all previous children at an early age had allergic reactions to any vaccine.

  1. Acute somatic condition of the child at the time of vaccination. If there is a current cold or an exacerbation of a chronic disease, vaccination is postponed until complete recovery (plus another two weeks).

Despite such “narrow” contraindications and the persistent desire of some health workers to vaccinate the baby by any means, it does not hurt to use common sense. If your child is covered with a diathesis crust, or you are struggling with dysbacteriosis, thrush, herpes (such conditions themselves are immunodeficiency), you should vaccinate your baby only after consultation with an immunologist and specialized doctors (gastroenterologist, mycologist, etc.).

Drawing up an individual vaccination calendar helps to avoid many troubles. Here, as they say, the sheep are safe and the wolves are fed: the child is protected from infections and has successfully avoided post-vaccination complications. Services for compiling individual vaccination calendars, although paid, are available in most cases. The main thing is to know about this opportunity and be able to use it.

Just 10 years ago, it was considered unnecessary to inform parents about possible negative reactions of the child’s body to vaccination. Now this information is open. You can use this knowledge in different ways - refuse vaccinations, be more sensitive to the choice of vaccines and their administration, and simply take into account the likelihood of adverse reactions. In any case, it is you who must think and decide - do not shift all responsibility to the doctors!

After DTP, there may be an increase in temperature, redness and thickening at the injection site. Complications from the polio vaccine are rare only if the vaccine is “killed”. The domestic “live” vaccine often causes intestinal disorders and dysbiosis in children.

The domestic anti-mumps vaccine causes fever and a runny nose in some children, and convulsions cannot be ruled out. The measles vaccine causes fever and a runny nose, and a rash is also possible.

Who is responsible for unplanned post-vaccination complications? This does not mean anaphylactic shock, which cannot be predicted in advance, but an inadequate reaction of the body - blurred vision, severe convulsions, etc.

The pediatrician who sent the child to the vaccination office is responsible if he did not pay attention to signs of illness (swelling of the lymph nodes, redness of the throat, fever, etc.), in which it is better to postpone the vaccination. If the technique of vaccination as a manipulation is violated, the nurse who performed it bears responsibility. For example, instead of intradermal administration of the BCG vaccine, it was given subcutaneously, which makes the development of lymphadenitis, abscesses and other complications possible.

The guilt of employees of medical institutions is determined by a medical commission. The Law of the Russian Federation “On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases” provides for material and other compensation in such cases (free additional examinations, sanatorium treatment, cash payments, etc.).


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