Vaccination against typhoid fever (VIANVAC)

“Vianvac” – vaccination against typhoid fever for prevention.

, Russia.

Protects against diseases: typhoid fever.

Try on: adults and children over 3 years of age.

Not included in the national vaccination calendar.

IMPORTANT: vaccinations with the Vianvac vaccine are not carried out in clinics

Benefits of the Vianvac vaccine

  • A single vaccination is required.
  • The introduction of the vaccine leads to the rapid appearance of specific antibodies, which provide immunity to infection in 1-2 weeks, lasting at least three years.
  • Mild and rare side effects.
  • Highly effective in areas of typhoid fever epidemic. Effectively protects against infection caused by antibiotic-resistant strains of typhoid fever.

Vaccination against typhoid fever (VIANVAC)

Why is vaccination needed?

Typhoid fever is an infectious disease that affects about twenty million people every year. Children and adolescents are most vulnerable to typhoid fever. Advanced disease causes serious complications that can be fatal.

Typhoid fever pathogens enter the body through dirty water and food and quickly spread through the gastrointestinal tract, affecting the liver and spleen. Mutations of bacteria lead to the fact that the disease cannot be treated with medication, so the only way to protect yourself from it is vaccination.

Outbreaks of typhoid fever occur in spring and autumn, at the height of the tourist season. Heat promotes the spread of bacteria, and flies are most often the carrier.

Who needs to be vaccinated and when?

Vaccination against typhoid fever is not mandatory. It is recommended for people at risk:

● Living in regions with regular epidemics of typhoid fever.

● Medical laboratory workers.

● Workers in the public utilities sector.

Mass vaccination can be carried out in order to avoid epidemics in the event of natural disasters, man-made accidents, or outbreaks of infection.

Features of vaccination

Vaccination provides immunity from this disease for several years. Tourists visiting countries with a high incidence of typhoid fever are strongly advised to get vaccinated. The risk of infection is extremely high, and treatment is difficult and lengthy.

Vaccination against typhoid fever also has some contraindications: allergic reactions, individual intolerance to the components. Adverse reactions do not pose a great danger: fever, migraines, redness of the injection site.

How is vaccination carried out?

The injection is given in the upper part of the shoulder, thigh, surface of the abdominal wall or shoulder blade. The vaccine is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. Depending on the drug used, the vaccination is done 1 or 2 times. The chosen medication also affects the period after which it is necessary to vaccinate again - 2 or 3 years.

Advantages of the Doctor Anna clinic

There are a number of reasons why people turn to the Doctor Anna clinic:

● Experienced doctors work with patients.

● Before vaccination, a comprehensive diagnosis is carried out.

● After vaccination, symptoms are monitored.

● An individual vaccination schedule is drawn up.

What documents are issued after vaccination?

A vaccination certificate card is a general document that contains information about all a person’s vaccinations. It is issued and filled out at the medical center, including the following data:

● Batch number.

● Date of vaccination.

● Drug dose.

● Method of vaccine administration.

● The name of the doctor who administered the vaccine.

● Name of the medical institution.

Our clinic provides prophylaxis with the drug VIANVAK. This is a reliable and safe drug from a European manufacturer, which has already passed the necessary clinical studies and has shown high protection efficiency.

The vaccination is done once, injecting the drug into the upper third of the shoulder. A repeat procedure is indicated after 3 years.

Immunization requires a serious professional approach. To avoid complications after the injection, and to be sure of its effectiveness, we recommend having the injection done in a private clinic. Practice shows that no serious side effects are observed after this vaccination, however, in some cases there may be individual intolerance to the components of the serum. In difficult situations, additional consultation with an allergist may be necessary.

The cost can be clarified by phone on the website.
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Indications for Vianvac vaccination

population living in areas with a high incidence of typhoid fever;

  • population living in areas with chronic water epidemics of typhoid fever;
  • persons engaged in the field of municipal improvement (workers servicing sewer networks, structures and equipment, as well as enterprises for sanitary cleaning of populated areas - collection, transportation and disposal of household waste);
  • persons working with live cultures of typhoid pathogens;
  • persons traveling to hyperendemic regions and countries for typhoid fever, as well as contacts in foci for epidemic indications.
  • Vaccination is carried out when there is a threat of an epidemic or outbreak (natural disasters, major accidents in the water supply and sewerage networks), contacts in outbreaks for epidemic indications, as well as during an epidemic.

    Typhoid vaccine VIANVAK

    *this vaccine is temporarily out of stock

    The vaccine is a solution of capsular polysaccharide extracted from the supernatant of the Salmonella typhi culture, purified by enzymatic and physicochemical methods; preservative - phenol. Colorless transparent liquid.

    Immunological properties

    The introduction of the Vianvac vaccine leads to a rapid and intense increase in the blood of vaccinated specific V antibodies, providing immunity to infection in 1-2 weeks, which lasts for three years.


    Prevention of typhoid fever in adults and children over three years of age.

    The following are subject to priority vaccination:

    • population living in areas with a high incidence of typhoid fever
    • population living in areas with chronic water epidemics of typhoid fever
    • persons engaged in the field of municipal improvement (workers servicing sewer networks, structures and equipment, as well as enterprises for sanitary cleaning of populated areas - collection, transportation and disposal of household waste)
    • persons working with live cultures of typhoid pathogens
    • persons traveling to hyperendemic regions and countries for typhoid fever, as well as contacts in foci for epidemiological indications

    According to epidemic indications, vaccinations are carried out when there is a threat of an epidemic or outbreak (natural disasters, major accidents in the water supply and sewerage networks), as well as during an epidemic, while mass immunization of the population is carried out in the threatened area.

    Directions for use and doses

    Vaccinations are performed once.

    The vaccine is administered subcutaneously into the outer surface of the upper third of the shoulder. The vaccination dose is 0.5 ml (25 mcg).

    Revaccinations are carried out according to indications every 3 years.

    The drug from the opened ampoule should be used immediately. The opening of the ampoules and the procedure for administering the drug are carried out in strict compliance with the rules of asepsis and antiseptics.


    The vaccine combines well with other medications.

    The Vianvac vaccine and inactivated vaccines of the national vaccination schedule can be administered simultaneously with different syringes in different parts of the body.

    Side effect

    Reactions to the Vianvac vaccine are quite rare and are considered mild. They can manifest themselves during the first day after immunization in the form of redness, pain at the vaccination site, as well as a slight increase in temperature (less than 37.6 ° C in 3-5% of cases within 24-48 hours), and headache.


    Acute infectious and non-infectious diseases, exacerbation of chronic diseases. Vaccinations are carried out 1 month after recovery (remission).

    Severe and unusual reactions to previous administration of the Vianvac vaccine.


    In order to identify contraindications, the doctor (paramedic) on the day of vaccination conducts a survey and examination of the vaccinated person with mandatory thermometry. If necessary, carry out appropriate laboratory testing.

    Release form

    The ampoules contain one vaccination dose - 0.5 ml (25 mcg of Vi-antigen) and five vaccination doses - 2.5 ml, 5 or 10 ampoules per package.

    Storage conditions

    The vaccine is stored and transported at a temperature of 2 to 8°C. Transportation is allowed at temperatures up to 25°C for no more than 14 days. Keep out of reach of children.

    Shelf life: 3 years.

    *this vaccine is temporarily out of stock


    Only a doctor can decide whether VIANVAC is suitable for vaccination

    VIANVAC is contraindicated if there is a history of an allergic reaction to any component of the vaccine.

    Vianvac vaccination is contraindicated in the following cases:

      Hypersensitivity to any component of the vaccine, including neomycin; symptoms of hypersensitivity to previous vaccine administration.
    • Acute infectious and non-infectious diseases, exacerbation of chronic diseases are temporary contraindications for vaccinations; for mild ARVI and acute intestinal diseases, vaccination is carried out immediately after the temperature has normalized.
    • Pregnancy or planned pregnancy within 1 month after vaccination. Breastfeeding period.

    How to help your child feel comfortable during vaccinations

    Vaccination works better when the baby is calm and not afraid. To avoid scaring your child, try the following:

      Distract and calm your baby, hug him, talk softly to him
    • Be calm, confident, smile. Maintain eye contact with your child, communicate with him, show him that you are nearby and everything is okay.
    • Let your child hold a favorite toy or blanket.
    • Ask your doctor if you can hold your baby on your lap and gently rub his back during vaccination.
    • Be sure to praise your child after vaccination, tell him how great he is and how proud you are of him. Support your baby, even if he couldn't help but cry.

    Benefits of vaccination in any pediatric healthcare setting


      vaccination is carried out only in specially equipped and licensed pediatric medical centers
    • All drugs used are approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation and have the necessary certificates.
    • the quality of drugs, expiration dates and storage conditions are carefully controlled
    • medical personnel performing vaccinations are certified as “vaccination nurses” and undergo regular additional training and certification
    • Before vaccination with any vaccines, all patients are required to be examined by an immunoprophylaxis doctor. The purpose of the examination is to make sure that the patient’s body condition is normal, there are no contraindications or medical exemptions from vaccination, and there is no risk of developing post-vaccination complications.
    • After vaccination, the patient must remain in the medical center for at least 30 minutes under the supervision of a vaccination nurse
    • the next day after vaccination, the vaccination nurse will definitely call you, check your health status, and make sure that the vaccination was successful.
    • in case of need or development of post-vaccination complications, a pediatrician, an immunoprophylaxis specialist, will come to your home free of charge within 24 hours after vaccination and provide the necessary assistance.

    Dear parents! Check in advance for up-to-date information about the availability of the vaccine you need at the medical center by phone: 331-17-00

    Rules and regulations for vaccination

    Vaccination is carried out once. Revaccination is carried out if there are indications for it at three-year intervals. Vianvac is administered subcutaneously. The injection is performed in the upper third of the shoulder. Both children and adults are vaccinated with a dose of 0.5 ml.

    If a medical worker, upon opening the container, discovers that the integrity or labeling of the ampoule with Vianvac is broken, then he is obliged not to use it.

    The vaccine is also not used in cases of expiration, violation of storage rules, detection of a foreign body in the ampoule, or changes in its physical properties not provided for in the instructions for the drug. For example, changes include the appearance of flakes, transparency or density, and sedimentation.

    Opening the ampoule and carrying out vaccination is possible only with strict adherence to the requirements of asepsis and antisepsis in order to avoid post-vaccination complications and infection at the site of skin puncture. The contents of the opened ampoule should be used immediately. It is unacceptable to open the ampoule and then send it for storage.

    Unused drug is disposed of in the prescribed manner. The vaccine is sterilized, and the ampoule is disinfected and crushed in a special device. A corresponding act on destruction is drawn up. Vaccinations are recorded on registration forms, which indicate the name of the drug, the date of vaccination, dosage, batch numbers, and a note about the reaction.

    As for reactions to vaccinations, they are extremely rare. As a rule, the reactions are weak, appear on the first day after the vaccine is administered, and are characterized by redness at the injection site, soreness, a slight increase in temperature to subfebrile levels - up to 37.6 degrees maximum, as well as a moderately severe headache.

    Popular We form immune protection against infections with the Rudivax vaccine

    Vianvac is not used to vaccinate the following population groups:

    • Pregnant women,
    • Patients with infectious or non-infectious diseases in acute form or in the acute stage,
    • Having suffered from infectious or non-infectious diseases during the last month,
    • Those who have shown strong or unusual reactions to previous vaccine administration.

    Before vaccinations, a medical worker interviews and examines persons to be vaccinated to identify contraindications and conducts mandatory thermometry. If necessary, some subjects to be vaccinated are sent for additional laboratory examinations.

    Features of drug interactions with Vianvac

    If necessary, the patient can be vaccinated with Vianvac and other drugs on the same day, provided that disposable syringes are used and injections are made into different parts of the body. It is recommended to maintain an interval of 1 month between different vaccinations, especially with live vaccines.

    Rules and conditions for storing the Vianvac vaccine and dispensing it from the pharmacy

    Vianvak is stored and transported in the temperature range from 2 to 25 degrees. The vaccine can be transported at temperatures up to 35 degrees, but for no more than 14 days. The vaccine is stored for three years.

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