Movalis is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that has a complex effect on all manifestations of inflammation.
Pharmacological action Oxytocin is a hormone that is produced by the hypothalamus in the human body. Via the hypothalamic pituitary tract
What is a vaccination certificate? Throughout a person’s life (normally), they receive vaccinations several times. Fact
All vaccinations are classified into mandatory and those that are optional. To the first group
Mantoux is not done often - the standard schedule involves diagnosing tuberculosis once every
In the Russian Federation there is a National Vaccination Calendar, according to which children and adults are vaccinated. Deviation from
What is the flu, and why is it dangerous? Influenza is an acute respiratory viral infection
Vaccination against pneumococcal infection Eight out of ten people with pneumonia and one in three who have had meningitis
As with any medical drug, there are contraindications for vaccinations against COVID-19.
Vaccination against rabies (rabies vaccine, CoKav, Rabipur) 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. This Regulation (hereinafter