Galina Chervonskaya became a new academician of VRAL - 2021

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Galina Petrovna Chervonskaya
Date of Birth: 1936(1936)
A country:
Scientific field: virology
Academic degree: Candidate of Biological Sciences
Known as: virologist, activist in the anti-vaccination movement

Galina Petrovna Chervonskaya

(married to
; born 1936) - Soviet virologist[1], Russian activist in the anti-vaccination movement.[2][3] Candidate of Biological Sciences. Member of the Russian National Committee on Bioethics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.[4][5]

Despite the fact that G. Chervonskaya does not insist in her books on a complete refusal of vaccination (anti-vaccination), her works are actively used by anti-vaccinators, homeopaths[6] and supporters of natural parenthood[7].


During her student years, she worked in the Laboratory of Particularly Dangerous Infections (now the Institute of Poliomyelitis and Viral Encephalitis named after M.P. Chumakov).[1]

She took part in the development of a vaccine against polio viruses.[1]

For 12 years she worked at the State Research Institute for Standardization and Control of Medical Biological Preparations named after L. A. Tarasevich.[1]

She took part in the development of three federal laws - “Fundamentals of Legislation on the Protection of Citizens’ Health” (1993), the second - “On Medicines” (1998), “On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases” (1998).[1][8]

Some publications call Chervonskaya a professor and doctor of science.[9] Chervonskaya says about herself about this: “I gradually thought about all this for a long time, and it was not for nothing that my doctoral dissertation was already devoted to this control vaccine institute. That’s why I came to you not as a social activist, not as a person from somewhere on the street. I came to you as a specialist, and everywhere I am invited as a specialist.”[3] However, there is no evidence that Chervonskaya has either the title of professor or a doctorate degree. It is only known that in 1970, at the Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after N. F. Gamaleya of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences on the topic “Study of chronic viral infection in J98 and L cell cultures.”

Currently he conducts public lectures and seminars, mainly for young parents, on a paid basis [2][10].

Complications of the hepatitis vaccine

Doctors are not telling the truth, since the hepatitis B vaccine that is now being intensively imposed is no less serious:

  • frequent reactions
    : pain and inflammation at the injection site;
  • rare
    : feeling tired, fever, malaise, cold-like symptoms;
  • damage to the central and peripheral nervous systems;
  • gastrointestinal tract: vomiting, diarrhea, pain in the abdominal area; abnormal liver function tests;
  • musculoskeletal system - arthralgia, myalgia;
  • extremely rare
    : anaphylaxis, serum sickness;
  • cardiovascular system - syncope, hypotension;
  • complications on the central and peripheral nervous system: paralysis, neuropathy, neuritis, including Guillain-Barré syndrome, retrobulbar neuritis, multiple sclerosis, encephalitis, encephalopathies, meningitis;
  • respiratory system - bronchospastic symptoms; edema, multiple erythema, vasculitis, lymphopathy...

Information about complications of the hepatitis B vaccine is taken from the prospectus for the use of "Engerix - recombinant vaccine against hepatitis B." The prospectus was freely distributed by representatives at the Man and Medicine congresses.


Chervonskaya, being a virologist by training, does not have a medical education, is not currently a researcher and has no new publications in peer-reviewed journals in the field of immunology, and has never taken part in research into the effects of vaccines on the human body. The very idea of ​​anti-vaccination is recognized by experts as marginal and pseudoscientific; Chervonskaya's theses have been repeatedly refuted by specialists and doctors.[11][12][13][14][15] In particular, A. N. Mats, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Membrane Processes at the I. I. Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines and Serums of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, noted: [11]

In the publications of G.P. Chervonskaya, completely banal thoughts coexist with youthful maximalism, exaggerations and obvious delirium. In one of her articles, “local vaccinators... have crippled the consciousness of more than one generation of our country with incredible myths about the benefits of vaccinations.” And they acted according to the plans of the former director of the US CIA: “We will throw everything into... fooling and fooling the Russian people. Having sowed chaos, we will quietly replace their values ​​with false ones and force them to believe in them. We will find our like-minded people, our allies and helpers in Russia itself...” “And they do!” - comments G. P. Chervonskaya. But Allen Dulles never said or wrote what she liked so much. The notorious plans were made during the Cold War at Lubyanka.

The Russian Orthodox Church[16] and the Society of Orthodox Doctors are also critical of Chervonskaya’s activities. In the article “The fight against vaccinations: the position of the Church,” published in the journal “Church Bulletin,” Orthodox doctors held Chervonskaya responsible for the epidemic and the death of children from diphtheria:[17]

G. P. Chervonskaya is the leader of the anti-vaccination movement in our country. A number of her publications in the press at the end of Soviet power provoked a massive refusal of vaccinations, which led to a diphtheria epidemic that claimed over four thousand lives.

Complications of BCG

  • increased local reaction, sometimes with skin necrosis and the formation of ulcers, as well as keloid scars;
  • regional lymphadenitis, possibly with suppuration;
  • the occurrence of lupus at the injection site (skin tuberculosis);
  • eye damage, generalization of infection caused by the BCG vaccine;
  • Osteitis (bone damage), osteomyelitis (bone damage with bone marrow) - evidence that the vaccination was carried out among children suffering from immunodeficiencies: primary - congenital or secondary - acquired (unfavorable environmental environment, poor nutrition, lack of normal living conditions, etc. .);
  • cold abscesses resulting from a violation of the BCG administration technique, for example, instead of intradermal administration, the injection was made subcutaneously or intramuscularly.



In the 1960-1980s, G. P. Chervonskaya worked in research institutes and was a co-author of a number of scientific publications, mainly devoted to experimental virology:

  • Questions of Virology, 13(5), 1968, pp. 560-566.
  • Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, 82(8), 1976, pp. 995-998.
  • Bocharov A.F., Sovetova G.P., Marchenko V.I., Amchenkova A.M., [ Chronic herpetic infection in a continuous culture of human lymphoblastoid cells], Questions Virology, 19(3), 1974, pp. 289-292.
  • Kravchenko A. T., Sovetova G. P., Chebotareva S. V., [ Evaluation of the toxic action of prophylactic and therapeutic preparations on cell cultures of different types and origin . II. The cytotoxic action of adsorbed DPT vaccine and its components on cells of the continuous L132 line] [ translated title
    ], Journal of Microbiology, Epidemiology and Immunobiology, 5, 1982, pp. 53-57.
  • Kravchenko A. T., Dzagurov S. G., Chervonskaya G. P., [ Evaluation of the toxic action of prophylactic and therapeutic preparations on cell cultures. III. The detection of toxic properties in medical biological preparations by the degree of cell damage in the L132 continuous cell line] [ translated title
    ], Journal of Microbiology, Epidemiology and Immunobiology, 3, 1983, pp. 87-92.
  • Kravchenko AT, Chervonskaya GP, Acquired immunity and allergy of cells cultured in vitro
    , Journal of hygiene, epidemiology, microbiology, and immunology, 30(4), 1986, pp. 441—448, etc.[18][19]

Since the late 1980s, Chervonskaya's publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals have ceased. There is only journalism.

  • Chervonskaya G. P.
    [ Epidemic situation in the mirror of the press] // Nezavisimaya Gazeta. - 12/15/1992.
  • Chervonskaya G. P.
    [ The plunge into darkness continues] // Free Thought. - 1995. - No. 4. - P. 104-110.
  • Chervonskaya G. P.
    [ “Do no harm.” But we do harm] // Medical newspaper. — 1995.
  • Chervonskaya G. P.
    [ Indications for prescribing a study of a person’s immune status] // Arguments and Facts. - 1997. - No. 45.
  • Chervonskaya G. P.
    [ Immunity against tuberculosis is assessed in Russia... using a student ruler] // New Medical Newspaper. — P. 3-5.


  • Chervonskaya G. P.
    [ Vaccine prevention and human rights (Report of the Russian National Committee on Bioethics)] / Rep. ed. B. G. Yudin. - M.: RCNB, 1994. (The report was prepared with the financial support of the Fund for Basic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Project 93-06-11141)
  • Chervonskaya G. P.
    [ Ethics of medical experimentation in preclinical trials] // Bioethics: principles, rules, problems / Responsible. ed. and comp. B. G. Yudin. - M.: Editorial-URSS, 1998. - 472 p. — 1000 copies. — ISBN 5-901006-61-5.

In the early 2000s, Chervonskaya began publishing again, but now she publishes only popular books on a commercial basis, either through samizdat or in publishing houses focused on books on homeopathy:

  • Chervonskaya G.P.
    Vaccinations: myths and reality: Fundamentals of vaccinology. - M.: Radio “Free Russia”, 2002. - 415 p. — ISBN 5-85473-003-0.
  • Chervonskaya G.P.
    The vaccination calendar is a medical mistake of the 20th century: fundamentals of vaccinology. - M.: Magic Child, 2006. - 460 p. — 2000 copies. — ISBN 5-903173-01-2.
  • Chervonskaya G.P.
    Abundance of post-vaccination complications as a cause of childhood disability. - M.: Homeopathic Medicine, 2007. - 234 p. — 3000 copies. — ISBN 978-5-897777-100-4.
  • Chervonskaya G.P.
    The vaccination calendar is a medical mistake of the 20th century: fundamentals of vaccinology. - 2nd ed., additional.. - M.: Magic Child, 2008. - 461 p. — 2000 copies. — ISBN 978-5-903173-02-0.
  • Chervonskaya G.P.
    The vaccination calendar is a medical mistake of the 20th century: fundamentals of vaccinology. - 2nd ed., additional.. - M.: Magic Child, 2011. - 464 p. — 2000 copies. — ISBN 978-5-903173-02-0.
  • Chervonskaya G.P.
    Vaccination without diagnosis is a profanation in the fight against infectious diseases. Fundamentals of vaccinology. - M.: Academician. studying the problems of national security, 2011. - 590 p. — ISBN 978-5-8040-0087-6.

Where "the whole truth" is

We were unable to pinpoint the site or community where the mother of the deceased child received a dose of “helpful advice” - unlike AIDS/HIV deniers, vaccine deniers are united in a much more massive movement, which involves hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people around the world , including many of our fellow citizens.

there, for example, they discuss how America wants to destroy our nation

“Farmageddon. They are killing our children,” a demotivator greets the reader in one of the anti-vaccination communities. The inscription is made over a photograph of a doctor giving an injection to a child. Almost every major social network has dozens of such groups. Unlike marginal “death groups”, no one consistently fights them, they are rarely blocked or deleted - after all, self-proclaimed “life groups” supposedly help save children. The largest anti-vaccination group, the Truth About Vaccinations group on VKontakte, is constantly growing. Within a week, its number increased by a thousand participants - up to 59 thousand participants. The next largest group consists of 15 thousand people. Almost every region has its own online communities ranging from three thousand to several hundred users.

Even a harmless request for “vaccinations” is returned on the first page of the search engine by the site “Russian Genocide”, where vaccinations are declared part of the “centuries-long total genocide of Russians and other indigenous peoples of Russia” and “Russian News Agency” - where followers of the late ultranationalist, neo-pagan and occultist are fighting vaccines Nikolai Levashov, allegedly killed by enemies using “genetic weapons”.

Marginalized people are making full use of this popular topic to recruit new followers—Andrei Batov is listed as one of two contacts of the nearly 60,000-strong community of “The Truth about Vaccinations.” Among the “interesting groups” on his page, “Awakening Genetic Memory - SlovoOBRAZOVANOE” and “Vedic Culture” immediately stand out, indicating his closeness to the right-wing radical current of Russian neo-paganism. Its supporters believe that the Russian people have existed for tens of thousands of years and are the bearers of an ancient culture.

An infant is being prepared for a flu vaccine. Photo: Vladimir Smirnov/TASS

Reposts from the “Vozrozhdeniye” community are published on the wall of Pravda itself. Golden Age" - the parent organization of Levashov’s followers.

“Many years of work to disseminate information about the colossal harm of vaccines has only now begun to bear fruit in the form of people coming and saying that thanks to us they no longer vaccinate. Many people still have a negative reaction to such information, but five years ago everyone was like that! Today, we can say with confidence, a large number of people know that vaccinations are created to destroy immunity and more,” members of the movement proudly report on the picket.

Even if we do not take into account the point of view of the radicals, the situation is alarming. Not only in Russia, but also in many Western countries, resistance to mandatory vaccination is growing, which reduces herd immunity - the ability of a healthy population to fight epidemic outbreaks. It would be wrong to reduce anti-vaccination to a bunch of conspiracy theorists, right-wing radicals and occultists - although this is precisely the area where their ideas are widespread, most anti-vaxxers are ordinary parents concerned about the health of their children. Vaccinations concern them not for religious or ideological reasons - they do not trust official institutions represented by doctors, but they believe charismatic “truth tellers” who deny the effectiveness of vaccines.

Even if we do not take into account the point of view of the radicals, the situation is alarming

In the West, Dr. Andrew Wakefield became such a figure. In 1998, he published a scientific study linking vaccinations to autism and other mental disorders. Later, these conclusions were refuted by dozens of other scientists, and Wakefield himself was accused of falsifying data; the publisher of the journal in which the publication was published, and even his co-authors, turned away from him. Although the doctor's scientific career was destroyed, he became a well-known figure in the anti-vaccination movement, and the myth about the connection between mental illnesses and vaccinations became widespread.

In Russia, the face of the movement to refuse vaccinations was the Soviet virologist and candidate of biological sciences Galina Petrovna Chervonskaya.


  1. 12345
    [ Who is Galina Chervonskaya] //, 07.11.2005
  2. 1 2 Malozyomov S.
    [ Refusal of vaccinations has become fashionable] // Today. Final program. - NTV, 03/25/2012.
  3. 12
    Shabanov, 02/22/2013.
    • [ To vaccinate or not - which is more dangerous?] // Echo of Moscow, 01.20.2008
    • [ Swine flu - the plague of the 21st century or a PR campaign?] // Echo of Moscow, 05.28.2009

  4. Svetlova E.
    [ The main thing is to survive] // Top Secret. - 1998. - No. 2. - P. 35.
  5. In particular, on [ website] A. Kotka, on the website [ World of Homeopathy], etc.
  6. Including on [,com_virtuemart/page,shop.browse/category_id,6/keyword,/manufacturer_id,0/Itemid,157/orderby,product_name/limit,15/limitstart,0 /vmcchk,1/ website]
  7. Mandatory vaccination is a legalized experiment on children (Speech by Galina Petrovna Chervonskaya at the XVI International Christmas Readings)
  8. [ Description of the audiobook “Vaccination of Death”]
  9. [ Vaccinations. Virologist Galina Petrovna Chervonskaya]
  10. 1 2 Mats A. N.
    [ To doctors about the anti-vaccination movement and its fabrications in the media] / Ed. N. A. Ozeretskovsky (GISK named after A. L. Tarasevich). - M.: Research Institute of Vaccines and Serums named after I. I. Mechnikov RAMS, 2009.
  11. Mats A. N.
    [ In Russia, mass neonatal BCG vaccination and “re-vaccination” of tuberculin-negative children are still necessary]
  12. [ How they fool us: analysis of a portion of anti-vaccination arguments... - Library - Doctor Komarovsky]
  13. [ about the dangers]
  14. [ Vaccine is a common medicine] //
  15. [ The fight against vaccinations: the position of the Church] //
  16. Kindirenko L.
    [ The fight against vaccinations: the position of the Church] // Church Bulletin. — 12/10/2009.
  17. [ Query] in PubMed by author " Sovetova GP
  18. [ Query] in PubMed by author " Chervonskaia GP

Chervonskaya's comments regarding certain types of vaccines

The main factor that Chervonskaya wants to explain is the right of every citizen to avoid medical procedures that are dangerous to him.


This drug is administered in maternity hospitals to almost all newborns, without preliminary tests to check the immune state.

Side effects from BCG include:

Photo 6

  • local negative reactions : cold abscess (formation of a minor abscess in the injection area), development of necrotic skin lesions, ulcer formation, appearance of keloid scars with severe itching, enlargement of regional lymph nodes with possible complications;
  • disseminated BCG infection : skin tuberculosis, osteomyelitis, osteitis, keratoconjunctivitis;
  • post BCG syndrome : anaphylactic shock, erythema nodosum, exanthema, etc.

Generalized BCG infection, caused by system-wide tuberculosis, is highly likely to lead to death.

Measles, rubella, mumps

The drug CPC, which is also administered in childhood to immunize the body against measles, mumps and rubella.

Side effects include:

  • toxic lesions;
  • increased body temperature;
  • nosebleeds;
  • development of abdominal syndrome.

The following types of allergic reactions often occur:

  • hemorrhagic rashes with the presence of bleeding;
  • asthmatic syndrome;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • hives and other skin rashes;
  • thrombocytopenic purpura.

Neurological complications include:

  • post-vaccination encephalitis;
  • cerebral disorders;
  • convulsive syndrome, including febrile convulsions (often with loss of consciousness).

Most complications primarily lead to disability.


Photo 7

When using live polio vaccines, the following side effects occur:

  • hives;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • paralysis and paresis;
  • Quincke's edema.

There is also a possibility of developing VAPP (vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis) after using the vaccine.


  • Mats A. N.
    [ To doctors about the anti-vaccination movement and its fabrications in the media] / / Pediatric pharmacology. - 2009. - T. 6, issue. 6. - pp. 1-24. — ISSN [ =&bf=4&b=&d=0&ys=&ye=&lng=&ft=&mt=&dt=&vol=&pt=&iss=&ps=&pe=&tr=&tro=&cc=UNION&i=1&v=tagged&s=0&ss=0&st=0&i18n=ru&rlf=&psz =20&bs=20&ce=hJfuypee8JzzufeGmImYYIpZKRJeeOeeWGJIZRrRRrdmtdeee88NJJJJpeeefTJ3peKJJ3UWWPtzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzbzzvzzpy5zzjzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzztzzzzzzzbzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzyeyTjkDnyHzTuueKZePz9decyzzLzzzL*.c8.NzrGJJvufeeeeeJheeyzjeeeeJh*peeeeKJJJJJJJJJmjHvOJJJJJJJJfe eeieeeeSJJJJSJJJ3TeIJJJJ3..E.UEAcyhxD.eeeeeeuzzzLJJJJ5.e8JJJheeeeeeeeeeeeyeyeK3JJJJJJJJ*s7defeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeSJJJJJJJZIJJzzz1..6LJJJJJJtJJZ4….EK*&deb ug=false 1727-5776]. ([ copy])
  • Shabanov D.
    [ How they fool us: analysis of a portion of anti-vaccination arguments from the “primary source”] // Computerra. — 02.22.2013.

Selfish gene

— Anti-vaccination views are very widespread, how widespread it is impossible to say - people with such views often do not go to doctors at all, at least in our clinic there are fewer of them. If they go to doctors, it’s to those who, with their illiteracy, support their concerns and fears,” says Fedor Katasonov, a pediatrician at the Center for Congenital Pathology at the GMS Clinic.

- How dangerous is this?

— Mass refusal to vaccinate is very dangerous: because of it, children get sick and die, and collective immunity is lost. If this continues, many infections that are now only treated by specialists may return. Almost all infections from the vaccination calendar are not uncommon in Russia. In Moscow, a pediatrician may never encounter diphtheria, but throughout the country dozens of children suffer from it and die from it. Unfortunately, we do not have accurate statistics.

“Many parents are so intimidated by scary stories that they don’t want to give their children any vaccinations at all. This is fine?

“If you don’t get vaccinated, you can get all the infections that we prevent with them, with complications and severe outcomes. Even chickenpox, which usually proceeds calmly, can lead to serious consequences. The epidemiological situation will worsen - unvaccinated children can be infectious, transmit infections and contribute to their further spread. Parents who do not vaccinate their children care very little about this - they only care about their own children.

According to Katasonov, the main tool in the fight against reluctance to vaccinate is the doctor’s personal charisma, his talent to convincingly and calmly convey information to parents in a personal conversation. We discussed the most common misconceptions about vaccines with our pediatrician.

Mass refusal to vaccinate is very dangerous: children get sick and die because of it, and herd immunity is lost

“The myth about the toxic properties of vaccines is based on the content of preservatives and antibiotics in them - but in vaccines they are in minimal quantities that cannot affect the child. Even mercury (merthiolate), which anti-vaccinators like to talk about, is contained in such doses that it does not cause any toxicity. In terms of toxicity, living on the Third Ring is more dangerous than getting vaccinated according to the fullest schedule,” the doctor reassures.

Although certified vaccines are not toxic, this does not mean that vaccines cannot cause severe reactions related to the functioning of the immune system. “This is the fundamental difference between Russian and foreign vaccines. Russian vaccines have two extremes: there are also old Soviet-designed vaccines that are effective but can cause unwanted reactions, and there is modern Grippol, which is easily tolerated but does not protect against the flu,” says Katasonov.

Therefore, modern pediatricians prefer foreign vaccines. The combined vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (DTP) has become the talk of the town among anti-vaxxers, and it is indeed very reactogenic. “Even convulsions are among its undesirable reactions, so it is preferable to use Infanrix and Pentaxim. But if all foreign drugs are banned, and there is no choice between DPT or refusing the vaccine, I will get it. You and I have been vaccinated with DPT, and that’s okay, we’re still alive,” the expert says.

Perhaps the central argument of anti-vaccinators is that vaccines are not just poisonous, they destroy a child’s delicate brain, his body and even his genes. Vaccinations are associated with cerebral palsy, autistic disorders, and chromosomal damage. “Even an illiterate doctor can see that there can be no connection here. These disorders are most often laid down before the birth of the child, but vaccinations are combined in time with their manifestation, and parents, looking for the cause of what happened, find the reason in vaccination. However, the most common reaction to a vaccine is the absence of any negative reaction, and no studies have found a connection between vaccines and autism or other serious disorders,” the pediatrician replies.

Addressing anti-vaccination parents, Katasonov comes up with a precise formulation: “It seems that vaccination is an action that will lead to undesirable consequences for the child. But refusing to vaccinate is the same action, and can lead to much more serious consequences. And then inaction will not relieve feelings of guilt and remorse.”

An excerpt characterizing Chervonskaya, Galina Petrovna

Princess Marya threw on her shawl and ran towards those traveling. When she passed the front hall, she saw through the window that some kind of carriage and lanterns were standing at the entrance. She went out onto the stairs. There was a tallow candle on the railing post and it was flowing from the wind. The waiter Philip, with a frightened face and another candle in his hand, stood below, on the first landing of the stairs. Even lower, around the bend, along the stairs, moving footsteps in warm boots could be heard. And some familiar voice, as it seemed to Princess Marya, said something. - God bless! - said the voice. - And father? “They’ve gone to bed,” answered the voice of the butler Demyan, who was already downstairs. Then the voice said something else, Demyan answered something, and footsteps in warm boots began to approach faster along the invisible bend of the stairs. "This is Andrey! - thought Princess Marya. No, this cannot be, it would be too unusual,” she thought, and at the same moment as she was thinking this, on the platform on which the waiter stood with a candle, the face and figure of Prince Andrei appeared in a fur coat with a collar sprinkled with snow. Yes, it was him, but pale and thin, and with a changed, strangely softened, but alarming expression on his face. He walked onto the stairs and hugged his sister. -You didn’t receive my letter? - he asked, and without waiting for an answer, which he would not have received, because the princess could not speak, he returned, and with the obstetrician, who entered after him (he met with him at the last station), with quick steps he again entered the the stairs and hugged his sister again. - What fate! - he said, “Dear Masha,” and, throwing off his fur coat and boots, he went to the princess’s quarters. The little princess was lying on pillows, wearing a white cap. (Suffering had just released her.) Black hair curled in strands around her sore, sweaty cheeks; her rosy, lovely mouth with a sponge covered with black hairs was open, and she smiled joyfully. Prince Andrei entered the room and stopped in front of her, at the foot of the sofa on which she was lying. Brilliant eyes, looking childish, scared and excited, stopped at him without changing expression. “I love you all, I haven’t done harm to anyone, why am I suffering? help me,” her expression said. She saw her husband, but did not understand the significance of his appearance now before her. Prince Andrei walked around the sofa and kissed her on the forehead. “My darling,” he said: a word he had never spoken to her. - God is merciful. “She looked at him questioningly, childishly and reproachfully. “I expected help from you, and nothing, nothing, and you too!” - said her eyes. She wasn't surprised that he came; she did not understand that he had arrived. His arrival had nothing to do with her suffering and its relief. The torment began again, and Marya Bogdanovna advised Prince Andrei to leave the room. The obstetrician entered the room. Prince Andrei went out and, meeting Princess Marya, again approached her. They started talking in a whisper, but every minute the conversation fell silent. They waited and listened. “Allez, mon ami, [Go, my friend,” said Princess Marya. Prince Andrey again went to his wife and sat down in the next room, waiting. Some woman came out of her room with a frightened face and was embarrassed when she saw Prince Andrei. He covered his face with his hands and sat there for several minutes. Pathetic, helpless animal groans were heard from behind the door. Prince Andrei stood up, went to the door and wanted to open it. Someone was holding the door. - You can’t, you can’t! – a frightened voice said from there. – He began to walk around the room. The screams stopped and a few seconds passed. Suddenly a terrible scream - not her scream, she could not scream like that - was heard in the next room. Prince Andrei ran to the door; the scream stopped, and the cry of a child was heard. “Why did they bring the child there? thought Prince Andrei at the first second. Child? Which one?... Why is there a child there? Or was it a baby born? When he suddenly understood all the joyful meaning of this cry, tears choked him, and he, leaning with both hands on the windowsill, sobbed, began to cry, as children cry. The door opened. The doctor, with his shirt sleeves rolled up, without a frock coat, pale and with a shaking jaw, left the room. Prince Andrey turned to him, but the doctor looked at him in confusion and, without saying a word, walked past. The woman ran out and, seeing Prince Andrei, hesitated on the threshold. He entered his wife's room. She lay dead in the same position in which he had seen her five minutes ago, and the same expression, despite the fixed eyes and the paleness of her cheeks, was on that charming, childish face with a sponge covered with black hairs. “I love you all and have never done anything bad to anyone, so what did you do to me?” her lovely, pitiful, dead face spoke. In the corner of the room, something small and red grunted and squeaked in Marya Bogdanovna’s white, shaking hands. Two hours after this, Prince Andrei entered his father’s office with quiet steps. The old man already knew everything. He stood right at the door, and as soon as it opened, the old man silently, with his senile, hard hands, like a vice, grabbed his son’s neck and sobbed like a child. Three days later the funeral service was held for the little princess, and, bidding farewell to her, Prince Andrei ascended the steps of the coffin. And in the coffin was the same face, although with closed eyes. “Oh, what have you done to me?” it said everything, and Prince Andrei felt that something was torn away in his soul, that he was guilty of a guilt that he could not correct or forget. He couldn't cry. The old man also entered and kissed her wax hand, which lay calmly and high on the other, and her face said to him: “Oh, what and why did you do this to me?” And the old man turned away angrily when he saw this face. Five days later, the young Prince Nikolai Andreich was baptized. The mother held the diapers with her chin while the priest smeared the boy’s wrinkled red palms and steps with a goose feather. The godfather grandfather, afraid to drop him, shuddering, carried the baby around the dented tin font and handed him over to his godmother, Princess Marya. Prince Andrei, frozen with fear that the child would not be drowned, sat in another room, waiting for the end of the sacrament. He looked joyfully at the child when the nanny carried him out to him, and nodded his head approvingly when the nanny told him that a piece of wax with hairs thrown into the font did not sink, but floated along the font. Rostov's participation in Dolokhov's duel with Bezukhov was hushed up through the efforts of the old count, and Rostov, instead of being demoted, as he expected, was appointed adjutant to the Moscow governor general. As a result, he could not go to the village with his entire family, but remained in his new position all summer in Moscow. Dolokhov recovered, and Rostov became especially friendly with him during this time of his recovery. Dolokhov lay sick with his mother, who loved him passionately and tenderly. The old woman Marya Ivanovna, who fell in love with Rostov for his friendship with Fedya, often told him about her son. “Yes, Count, he is too noble and pure of soul,” she used to say, “for our current, corrupted world.” Nobody likes virtue, it hurts everyone's eyes. Well, tell me, Count, is this fair, is this fair on Bezukhov’s part? And Fedya, in his nobility, loved him, and now he never says anything bad about him. In St. Petersburg, these pranks with the police officer were something they joked about, because they did it together? Well, Bezukhov had nothing, but Fedya bore everything on his shoulders! After all, what did he endure! Suppose they returned it, but how could they not return it? I think there weren’t many brave men and sons of the fatherland like him there. Well now - this duel! Do these people have a sense of honor? Knowing that he is the only son, challenge him to a duel and shoot so straight! It's good that God had mercy on us. And for what? Well, who doesn’t have intrigue these days? Well, if he is so jealous? I understand, because he could have made me feel it before, otherwise it went on for a year. And so, he challenged him to a duel, believing that Fedya would not fight because he owed him. What baseness! That's disgusting! I know you understood Fedya, my dear count, that’s why I love you with my soul, believe me. Few people understand him. This is such a high, heavenly soul! Dolokhov himself often, during his recovery, spoke to Rostov such words that could not have been expected from him. “They consider me an evil person, I know,” he used to say, “so be it.” I don’t want to know anyone except those I love; but whom I love, I love him so much that I will give my life, and I will crush the rest if they stand on the road. I have an adored, unappreciated mother, two or three friends, including you, and I pay attention to the rest only as much as they are useful or harmful. And almost everyone is harmful, especially women. Yes, my soul,” he continued, “I have met loving, noble, sublime men; but I haven’t met women yet, except for corrupt creatures - countesses or cooks, it doesn’t matter. I have not yet encountered that heavenly purity and devotion that I look for in a woman. If I found such a woman, I would give my life for her. And these!...” He made a contemptuous gesture. “And do you believe me, if I still value life, then I value it only because I still hope to meet such a heavenly being who would revive, purify and exalt me.” But you don't understand this. “No, I understand very much,” answered Rostov, who was under the influence of his new friend. In the fall, the Rostov family returned to Moscow. At the beginning of winter, Denisov also returned and stayed with the Rostovs. This first time of the winter of 1806, spent by Nikolai Rostov in Moscow, was one of the happiest and most cheerful for him and for his entire family. Nikolai brought many young people with him to his parents’ house. Vera was twenty years old, a beautiful girl; Sonya is a sixteen-year-old girl in all the beauty of a newly blossoming flower; Natasha is half a young lady, half a girl, sometimes childishly funny, sometimes girlishly charming. In the Rostov house at that time there was some kind of special atmosphere of love, as happens in a house where there are very nice and very young girls. Every young man who came to the Rostovs’ house, looking at these young, receptive, smiling girlish faces for something (probably at their happiness), at this animated running around, listening to this inconsistent, but affectionate to everyone, ready for anything, hope-filled babble of a woman The youth, listening to these inconsistent sounds, now singing, now music, experienced the same feeling of readiness for love and expectation of happiness, which the youth of the Rostov house themselves experienced. Among the young people introduced by Rostov, one of the first was Dolokhov, who was liked by everyone in the house, with the exception of Natasha. She almost quarreled with her brother over Dolokhov. She insisted that he was an evil person, that in the duel with Bezukhov Pierre was right, and Dolokhov was to blame, that he was unpleasant and unnatural. “I don’t understand anything,” Natasha shouted with stubborn willfulness, “he’s angry and without feelings.” Well, I love your Denisov, he was a carouser and that’s all, but I still love him, so I understand. I don’t know how to tell you; He has everything planned, and I don’t like it. Denisova... “Well, Denisov is a different matter,” answered Nikolai, making it feel that in comparison with Dolokhov, even Denisov was nothing, “you need to understand what kind of soul this Dolokhov has, you need to see him with his mother, this is such a heart!” “I don’t know this, but I feel awkward with him.” And do you know that he fell in love with Sonya? - What nonsense... - I'm sure you'll see. – Natasha’s prediction came true. Dolokhov, who did not like the company of ladies, began to visit the house often, and the question of who he was traveling for was soon (although no one spoke about it) was resolved so that he was traveling for Sonya. And Sonya, although she would never have dared to say this, knew this and every time, like a redneck, she blushed when Dolokhov appeared. Dolokhov often dined with the Rostovs, never missed a performance where they were present, and attended adolescentes [teenagers] balls at Yogel’s, where the Rostovs always attended. He paid preferential attention to Sonya and looked at her with such eyes that not only she could not stand this look without blushing, but also the old countess and Natasha blushed when they noticed this look. It was clear that this strong, strange man was under the irresistible influence exerted on him by this dark, graceful, loving girl. Rostov noticed something new between Dolokhov and Sonya; but he did not define to himself what kind of new relationship this was. “They are all in love with someone there,” he thought about Sonya and Natasha. But he was not as comfortable with Sonya and Dolokhov as before, and he began to be at home less often. Since the autumn of 1806, everything again started talking about the war with Napoleon even more fervently than last year. Not only were recruits appointed, but also 9 more warriors out of a thousand. Everywhere they cursed Bonaparte with anathema, and in Moscow there was only talk about the upcoming war. For the Rostov family, the whole interest of these preparations for war lay only in the fact that Nikolushka would never agree to stay in Moscow and was only waiting for the end of Denisov’s leave in order to go with him to the regiment after the holidays. The upcoming departure not only did not prevent him from having fun, but also encouraged him to do so. He spent most of his time outside the house, at dinners, evenings and balls. XI On the third day of Christmas, Nikolai dined at home, which had rarely happened to him lately. It was officially a farewell dinner, since he and Denisov were leaving for the regiment after Epiphany. About twenty people were having lunch, including Dolokhov and Denisov. Never in the Rostov house did the air of love, the atmosphere of love, make itself felt with such force as on these holidays. “Catch moments of happiness, force yourself to love, fall in love yourself! Only this one thing is real in the world - the rest is all nonsense. And that’s all we’re doing here,” said the atmosphere. Nikolai, as always, having tortured two pairs of horses and not having had time to visit all the places where he needed to be and where he was called, arrived home just before lunch. As soon as he entered, he noticed and felt the tension of the loving atmosphere in the house, but he also noticed a strange confusion reigning between some of the members of the society. Sonya, Dolokhov, the old countess and a little Natasha were especially excited. Nikolai realized that something was going to happen before dinner between Sonya and Dolokhov, and with his characteristic sensitivity of heart he was very gentle and careful during dinner in dealing with both of them. On the same evening of the third day of the holidays there was supposed to be one of those balls at Yogel (the dance teacher), which he gave on holidays for all his students and female students.

To vaccinate a child or not: all the pros and cons of vaccination

From a legislative point of view, the book authored by Galina Chervonskaya about vaccinations does not contradict existing norms - every person has the right to refuse medical services, including vaccination.

But, when considering in detail this method of preventing infectious pathologies, all risk factors should be assessed.

Among the positive aspects, the following are emphasized:

  1. the formation of protective reactions (to the causative agent of the disease), which are fixed in the body;
  2. stimulating the development of the immune system and increasing overall resistance to infectious disorders;
  3. planned monitoring of the child’s condition and timely adoption of measures in the event of the progression of severe disorders.

However, before agreeing to such a procedure, it is necessary to be attentive to the health status of both your own and the child. To do this, you should attend preventive examinations and receive timely treatment. Experts also recommend listening to your doctor and studying statistical information provided to explain the risks and dangers of the procedure.

What the Ministry of Health says

In the second half of 2015, with the support of the Ministry of Health, a large-scale sociological survey “The attitude of Russians towards vaccination” was conducted. According to him, about 5% of respondents are anti-vaxxers.

“3.3% of respondents categorically refuse to vaccinate their children “for personal reasons,” another 2.1% do not vaccinate their children for medical reasons. Among the motives for “not getting” vaccinated, the answer “I hope I don’t get sick” took the leading place - 40%. 32% of respondents consider vaccination to be useless, 28% think that it is harmful to health and undermines the immune system, and 11% of respondents do not get vaccinated because they do not have sufficient information about the benefits of preventive vaccinations,” Advisor to the Minister of Health Igor Lanskoy tells TD. “As can be seen from the responses, the majority of those who do not vaccinate simply do not have relevant reliable information about their benefits. <…> The most effective mechanism for combating vaccine refusal and, at the same time, a way to create commitment to vaccination among the Russian population is successfully conducted educational communication campaigns,” adds Lanskoy.

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