Prevenar® (pneumococcal polysaccharide conjugate adsorbed vaccine) (Prevenar®)

Today, Prevenar 13 (Pfizer) vaccination is the best way to prevent pneumonia. It is effective against 13 types of pneumococcal bacteria (Streptococcus pneumoniae), causative agents of infectious diseases such as (pleurisy, meningitis, pericarditis, sepsis, otitis media, pneumonia).

Vaccination creates a strong immune barrier against the development of pneumococcal infections and helps to avoid many serious diseases. You can undergo a preliminary examination, get advice on vaccination, and vaccinate yourself and your children against dangerous viruses with Prevenar 13 at the Amel Dental clinic (in Dnepr).

Features of the action and advantages of the Prevenar 13 vaccine

The peculiarity of the Prevenar 13 vaccine is that it creates specific protection against 13 types of pneumococci and promotes the formation of immune memory (antibodies that remain in the body for a long time and protect it from diseases).

Advantages of Prevenar 13:

  • the possibility of vaccination for the most vulnerable patients - babies from 8 weeks. life;
  • effectiveness against 90% of all serotypes of pneumococcal infection, which are the causative agents of invasive forms of the disease;
  • the formation of antibodies after the first dose of the vaccine;
  • eliminating errors in the dosage of the drug (the vaccine is already sold in a syringe in a precisely measured dosage).

Prevenar vaccine: when to do it? Indications for vaccination

The main objectives of the Prevenar 13 vaccination are:

  • formation of immunity against pneumococcal infections;
  • minimizing the risk of developing complications after influenza, ARVI, rhinitis, including in patients with chronic diseases.

Who is recommended for vaccination with Prevenar 13:

  • people with reduced immunity;
  • patients with diabetes mellitus, heart and vascular diseases, chronic respiratory diseases, dysfunction of the spleen, etc.;
  • smokers;
  • children born prematurely;
  • people working in large teams or in places with high traffic;
  • persons planning to travel abroad to countries where the Prevenar 13 vaccine is included in the compulsory immunization card.

Doctors recommend getting vaccinated against pneumonia if:

  • a simple cold is often complicated by a bacterial infection;
  • you suffer from complicated acute respiratory viral infections several times a year (5 or more);
  • in case of repeated illness complicated by bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • in the presence of chronic diseases and conditions in which the risk of infection is very high, and infection with pneumococcus poses a danger to the patient’s life.

PREVENAR vaccine

Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine, conjugated, adsorbed, thirteen-valent

Manufacturer: Wyatt Holdings Corporation, USA.
Protects against diseases: neumococcal infection.

Used: in children under 2 years of age. Revaccination at 4, 6 and 12-15 months

Included in the national vaccination calendar.

Advantages of the Prevenar vaccine

Prevnar (Prevnar 13, PCV13, Pneumococcal, pneumococcal conjugate) is a high-quality vaccine produced in the USA by Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Inc. and registered in Russia, which helps protect a child from 13 strains of pneumococcal infection (Streptococcus pneumoniae strains 1, 3, 4, 5, 6A, 6B, 7F, 9V, 14, 18C, 19A, 19F and 23F), causing diseases such as pneumonia, bronchitis, meningitis and sepsis.

  • Invasive pneumococcal infection can cause brain damage or even death. Prevenar 13 may help protect children. Vaccination today is a safe and economically feasible method of preventing the development of infections. The vaccine is also approved for children 6 weeks to 5 years of age to prevent otitis media (an ear infection) caused by 7 of the 13 strains. The vaccine also stimulates the immunity of the mucous membranes, which leads to a decrease in nasopharyngeal bacterial carriage.
  • Vaccination can be given to infants starting at 2 months of age (as directed by a doctor from 6 weeks) with booster vaccinations at 4, 6 and 12-15 months to create effective immune protection against the most common types of pneumococcal bacteria.
  • Prevenar is not 100% effective and will only protect against the 13 strains included in the vaccine. It helps the body develop natural defenses, promoting the development of immunity to diseases. Like some other vaccines, it is given in 4 doses.
  • Infants should receive all 4 doses to help the infant's developing immune system develop effective, specific defenses against pneumococci.
  • Each subsequent vaccination is prescribed 4-8 weeks after the previous one, and the 4th dose cannot be prescribed earlier than 2 months after the 3rd vaccination. Children with weakened immune systems (eg, HIV infection, leukemia) may have a reduced immune response to vaccination.

Indications for Prevenar vaccination

Prevention of the development of infections caused by pneumococcus: helps protect the child from 13 strains of pneumococcal infection (Streptococcus pneumoniae strains 1, 3, 4, 5, 6A, 6B, 7F, 9V, 14, 18C, 19A, 19F and 23F), causing diseases such as pneumonia, bronchitis, meningitis and sepsis, otitis media.

Compatibility with other vaccines

"Prevenar" is combined with any other vaccines included in the immunization schedule for children in the first years of life. "Prevenar" can be administered to children simultaneously (on the same day) with any of the following antigens included in both monovalent and combined vaccines: diphtheria, tetanus, acellular or whole-cell pertussis, Haemophilus influenzae type b, inactivated polio, hepatitis B, measles, mumps, rubella and chickenpox - without changing reactogenicity and immunological parameters.

When simultaneous vaccination with Prevenar and other vaccines, injections are made in different parts of the body.

Cautions: use in pregnant and lactating women

The safety of Prevenar vaccine during pregnancy and breastfeeding has not been established. The vaccine is not intended for use in adults.


Only a doctor can decide whether Prevenar is suitable for a child to be vaccinated

Prevenar vaccination is contraindicated if there is a history of an allergic reaction to any component of the vaccine, as well as in the following cases:

  • Hypersensitivity reactions to previous administration of Prevenar drugs (including anaphylactic shock, severe generalized allergic reactions);
  • Hypersensitivity to diphtheria toxoid and/or excipients;
  • Acute infectious or non-infectious diseases, exacerbation of chronic diseases (vaccination is carried out after recovery or during remission).
  • If an acute or exacerbation of a chronic disease occurs, the child receives a deferment until complete recovery or a period of remission. The pediatrician determines the required duration of delay from vaccinations, guided primarily by the risk of complications. In most cases, the delay is about 1 month. In case of meningococcal meningitis and other severe diseases of the nervous system, vaccinations are postponed for a longer period - up to six months from the onset of the disease.
  • The main contraindications to vaccination, which provide grounds for medical withdrawal from vaccinations, are strong reactions and post-vaccination complications after the administration of the previous dose of the vaccine. A strong reaction is understood as an increase in body temperature above 40 °C with the occurrence of swelling and redness at the site of vaccine administration over 8 cm in diameter, severe allergic reactions, anaphylactic shock, the development of infectious diseases and damage to individual body systems.

Possible side effects

In children 6 weeks to 17 years of age, the most common side effects are irritation, redness or swelling at the injection site, irritability, decreased appetite, decreased or increased sleep, and fever.

Serious but very rare side effects in infants and toddlers include pneumonia, bronchiolitis and gastroenteritis (inflammation of the stomach and small intestine) (0.9% of all vaccine recipients). A temporary pause in breathing after vaccination occurs in some babies born prematurely.

The high safety of vaccination has been confirmed by 230 million years of experience in administering Prevenar over the past 10 years. The vaccine is registered in 88 countries and is included in the national vaccination calendars of 30 countries.

Come get vaccinated at MiracleChildren. A full range of vaccines for children and adults, family vaccinations - at a special price!

Contraindications to Prevenar 13

The main contraindication to vaccination with Prevenar 13 is individual intolerance to the substances contained in the vaccine, an allergy to the components of the drug, a severe negative reaction to a previously administered dose of the vaccine.

It is also not recommended to vaccinate:

  • if the patient’s chronic diseases are in the acute stage;
  • for acute acute respiratory viral infections and other infectious processes in the body;
  • if the patient has an elevated body temperature;
  • during pregnancy, during lactation;
  • with general poor health.

In the case of acute infectious diseases, Prevenar 13 vaccination is carried out only when complete recovery occurs. In the presence of chronic diseases, vaccination is done during the period of remission. The possibility of vaccination can only be determined by a qualified doctor.

Prevenar 13 vaccination schedule: how many times should I vaccinate?

Three-time primary vaccination for children (used for individual immunization) is carried out at the age of 1.5-6 months in 4 stages: 3 doses of 0.5 ml with an interval of at least a month and revaccination at the age of 11-15 months.

The interval between vaccination stages must be at least a month. At 11-15 months, a single revaccination is carried out.

Double primary vaccination (standard infant immunization regimen).

Consists of three doses of 0.5 ml:

  • 1 dose from 2 months;
  • 2nd dose no earlier than a month later;
  • single revaccination at the age of 11-15 months.

Vaccination of children 7-11 months : carried out in two stages (2 doses of 0.5 ml) with an interval of 1 month. A one-time revaccination is also carried out after the child reaches the age of 1 year.

Vaccination of children 12-23 months : also vaccinated with 2 doses of vaccine, 0.5 ml each. The interval is at least 2 months.

Vaccination of children 2-5 years old : carried out once (one dose 0.5 ml).

For children under 2 years of age, the vaccine is administered into the anterolateral surface of the thigh. Prevenar 13 for adults and children over 2 years of age is injected into the deltoid muscle of the shoulder.

Patients are interested in the question of how many years the protective effect obtained by the body after vaccination with Prevenar 13 lasts. After the first course of vaccination, children are given revaccination once every 2 years. Children and adults are vaccinated once. Patients who have a history of chronic diseases are recommended to get vaccinated every 3 years.

Side effects of the Prevenar vaccine

In general, the drug is well tolerated and with proper preparation for vaccination, adverse reactions occur extremely rarely. Only 1% experience an increase in temperature, and 5% have a local reaction.

Increased body temperature

Photo 4
After administration of the drug, an increase in body temperature is possible. However, this is not considered a pathological condition, it is just a signal that the body is fighting an infection.

The value on the thermometer can be from 37.5 to 39 °C . It can last for a day, then returns to normal. The temperature should not last more than 2-3 days, in which case you should consult a doctor.

Redness and thickening

After vaccination with Prevenar, redness or hardening may occur at the injection site. This phenomenon occurs more often in older children. This reaction should go away within 2-3 days.


Photo 5Manifestations in the form of a rash may appear near the site where the vaccine was given. If the child does not suffer from allergies, the rash should go away after a few days.

Otherwise, it is better to visit a specialist to clarify the situation. The local reaction occurs as a response to introduced pathogens, and the more of them, the stronger the manifestation of the body’s struggle. This is a normal reaction and does not require additional treatment.

It is not recommended to rub or wet the rashes.

Cough and snot

After vaccination, exacerbation of chronic diseases accompanied by cough and runny nose is possible. Often the drug is administered simultaneously with another vaccine, which causes similar symptoms. It is observed quite rarely.

Other side effects and consequences of vaccination

Other side effects include general condition disorders and allergic reactions.

Photo 6
Among the consequences of vaccination are:

  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • the child may be capricious, cry, drowsy and irritable for some time after vaccination;
  • lack of appetite, vomiting, nausea;
  • convulsions and temporary cessation of breathing (apnea);
  • Quincke's edema, bronchospasm, anaphylactic shock.

To avoid negative reactions, it is necessary to study contraindications and make sure that the child is healthy.

Possible reactions after vaccination

In most cases, the vaccine is well tolerated by patients of different ages and risk categories. In some cases, reactions such as:

  • pain in the injection area;
  • febrile temperature;
  • short-term deterioration in health.

Within 3 days, as a rule, such symptoms disappear on their own. In very rare cases, children may have an anaphylactic reaction to a vaccine, so a doctor is always present at the procedure, monitors the child’s condition, and provides first aid if necessary.

How is the pneumococcal vaccine tolerated?

After the vaccine is administered, stay near the clinic for 30-40 minutes so that in case of an allergic reaction, timely emergency medical care is provided.

After vaccination, the post-vaccination period lasts 7-10 days: the child is placed on a home regimen, refrains from visiting crowded places, excludes contact with patients, and continues to take antihistamines for two to three days.

Local post-injection manifestations can be represented by limited hyperemia and edema, increased local temperature, severe pain symptoms - up to restrictions on limb mobility.

The general reaction of the body to the introduction of a vaccine is observed to one degree or another in almost everyone and can manifest itself:

  • irritability, tearfulness, sleep disturbance;
  • increased body temperature up to 38.5 °C, chills, joint and muscle pain, enlarged regional lymph nodes;
  • loss of appetite, dyspeptic disorders;
  • allergic rash and seizures.

If post-vaccination manifestations are observed for more than a day, consult a doctor to prescribe symptomatic therapy.

Side effects and complications are not always caused by the peculiarities or poor quality of the vaccine: they may be the result of errors during storage and transportation of the drug or failure to comply with aseptic rules when administering the injection.

Vaccination at the Amel Dental clinic

Patients choose us because:

  • We always have high-quality certified foreign-made vaccines in stock;
  • we carry out vaccinations, adhering to the national and international vaccination calendar;
  • we have equipped a specially separate room for waiting and vaccination;
  • vaccination is carried out by specially trained specialists who, in addition to professional skills, have extensive experience working with children;
  • Before vaccination, each patient undergoes a mandatory examination by a doctor (generalist, pediatrician);
  • the doctor monitors the patient’s condition before, during and after vaccination;
  • After vaccination, the doctor draws up a schedule for the next vaccinations and gives recommendations to the patient.

At Amel Dental you can get one Prevenar vaccination or undergo complex vaccination in accordance with the vaccination calendar. To do this, you need to make an appointment with a doctor, and he will draw up an individual vaccination schedule and conduct all the necessary examinations.

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