What needs to be done before and after DTP vaccination, recommendations and medications for children and adults
DTP is a three-component vaccine that has protective functions against diseases such as whooping cough, diphtheria,
what is boostrix polio used for?
"Boostrix" - vaccine against whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus
Boostrix Polio is a drug that is used to immunize children and adults. He is
Forum about condylomas / Treatment of HPV with Allokin-alpha
The influence of staged prevention of intrauterine infection on the health of children born to mothers with recurrent
Can pregnant women be vaccinated against tetanus?
Pregnancy is a difficult and at the same time happy period in the life of every woman.
A tripod for an IV at home, how to make it?
It happens that the only way to get out of a binge is to drink at home, because
air entering the muscle during injection
Complications after an intramuscular injection. If the injection is done incorrectly
Intramuscular injections? is the second most popular method of administering medications after the use of tablets. This
How is the follicle puncture procedure performed during IVF?
How to maintain pregnancy after IVF
Features of in vitro fertilization In vitro fertilization is a modern reproductive technology that is used for infertility. In
Screening for pregnancy planning for non-STDs
Immunoglobulin when planning pregnancy Home Articles Immunoglobulin when planning pregnancy Immunoglobulin is an immunostimulating agent,
Correction of immunodeficiency state with cycloferon
Detailed description of the study Currently, the treatment of infectious diseases is carried out pathogenetic (aimed at interrupting
how to give Tavegil injections correctly
“Tavegil” injections: instructions for use, effectiveness, reviews
Tavegil injections are an antihistamine, one of the best in this area. It's already